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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

iphone 5 release date for at

iphone 5 release date for at. iphone 5 release date uk 2011.
  • iphone 5 release date uk 2011.

  • kerryb
    Apr 26, 01:09 PM
    I don't even think the word "App" is really officially a word. As for generic terms, everyone uses generic terms to describe their company's products and brand names, as that's the only way you can allow people to make a link between something they already know, and the product.

    "Apple" is also generic, yet everyone agrees that it's fairly reserved for Apple inc. So are many other names that companies patent to avoid others using it.

    App is not an official word but "ape" as in "he aped my every move" is.

    iphone 5 release date for at. apple iphone 5 release date
  • apple iphone 5 release date

  • steadysignal
    Apr 25, 10:28 AM
    Time to hide my iPhone file from the wife:rolleyes:

    Seriously......privacy issues seem all over the place in this digital age....here is another example.

    I guess we need a law disclosing if such and such device tracks you and needs to disclose that to you clearly via a warning label/other....

    will a law stop the data from being used against you?

    iphone 5 release date for at. iPhone 5 release date in
  • iPhone 5 release date in

  • relimw
    Sep 6, 09:10 AM
    Yeah, next thing you know people will saying machines could have their processors upgraded before they're even released!! Oh, wait... :p

    Seriously, I think it's been widely stated that with the move to intel chips, processors are likely to be updated more regularly... don't know when the MBP will get upgraded, but if the chips are there, they need to be going in the machines ASAP for Apple to maintain a competitive line-up compared with otherwise-similarly specced PCs.
    Well, I'll agree that Apple should be updating faster, but I doubt they'll upgrade any of their machines faster than every 6 months. Unless it's just a simple processor-only speed bump, otherwise their factories would be constantly retooling.

    iphone 5 release date for at. iphone 5 release date 2011 at.
  • iphone 5 release date 2011 at.

  • joemama
    Nov 27, 03:15 PM
    "but, that's not worth the extra dollars for me"

    Ding-Ding-Ding! You answered all of your above complaints and whining about Apple's prices. You aren't the target audience for their displays.

    Let's not forget, Apple is in the business of making money. If you don't think so, just look at the new iPods that do not come with an installer CD or a manual. Did Apple lower the price by 25 cents, the amount it might take to produce these? No - that's more 25 cents in Apple's pocket.

    While Apple is targeting professionals and pro-sumers, they know they need to still compete. Their prices on monitors are WAY off.

    By the time these 17" come out, after christmas, 17" monitors will be going for $150-200 max. If Apple did release one, with an iSight and one firewire port, maybe it's $249, at most. Anything higher won't sell.

    Remember, companies may set the price, but it's the market that stipulates what people will pay. And if Apple wants a piece of the pie, they will adjust accordingly.

    iphone 5 release date for at. iphone 5 release date ireland.
  • iphone 5 release date ireland.

  • BillyShears
    Jan 12, 08:17 AM
    People here seem to want to condone ANY decision Apple may wish to make. Already people seem to be defensive on the "MacBook Air" name which is probably just a rumor and also seem to be defensive of Apple's decision to remove the optical drive - something we don't even know will happen! People are defensive of Apple's decision to ship the new Mac Pros with the 8800GT and not something of higher spec, people are defensive of Apple's decision not to release a mid-tower.

    I don't see how the external optical drive falls into the category of things to be "defended." The others, sure, because you don't have the choice of the name, the graphics card, or mid-tower. But so far the rumours suggest the external optical drive is optional (as in, buy a MacBook or MacBook Pro with built-in drive - this isn't across the product line). What I see are people hoping for a feature: a lighter notebook.

    iphone 5 release date for at. In the midst of the iPhone 5
  • In the midst of the iPhone 5

  • Yaboze
    Mar 26, 10:57 PM
    It looks very cool and I'm impressed by the 1080p video. I didn't think there was enough video memory to do that.

    The iPad + HDMI adapter looks a little awkward though. I think a cooler solution would be to have bluetooth controller support, like PS3 controllers or maybe even use the iPhone for the controller via bluetooth.

    Either way, it's impressive. Not quite Xbox 360/PS3 but definitely better than the Wii.

    iphone 5 release date for at. new iphone 5 release date
  • new iphone 5 release date

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 31, 01:00 PM
    Well regarding defeating the Nazi's and the Axis powers, one can credit the US to turning the tide.

    Japan? Yes. The Nazis? Certainly not. The Soviets defeated the Nazis.

    And anyways, as skunk mentioned, there are fundamental differences between Iraq/Afghanistan and Libya. Political opposition (in the US at least)siezes on superficial similarities as evidence of this being yet another invasion. But it is not.

    iphone 5 release date for at. iphone 5 release date 2011.
  • iphone 5 release date 2011.

  • Sped
    Jan 1, 12:06 AM
    I don't think HD content is going to make it unless Apple compresses the mess out of it like DirecTV does. You may get 1080i but it will pixelate with any quick movement. That's one of the problems with digital media. It can be manipulated in so many ways that many consumers won't realize they're getting junk because one measure of performance like resolution will be stellar.

    iphone 5 release date for at. iphone 5 release date in
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  • CQd44
    Apr 26, 12:44 PM
    I would think if Apple themselves used the term generically it would be a very simple case.

    iphone 5 release date for at. iphone 5 release date. iphone
  • iphone 5 release date. iphone

  • umu
    Jan 1, 05:46 PM
    How about some kind of iSight?

    iphone 5 release date for at. iphone 5 release date canada.
  • iphone 5 release date canada.

  • gnasher729
    Jul 18, 03:11 AM
    If I'm going to spend all that time downloading a movie, I should at least be able to keep it. Bah.

    There is another possibility that wouldn't require any downloads at all. In the UK, many newspapers come with free CDs or DVDs quite often. It would be possible to ship a DVD with the latest movies that way (and you can fit quite a bit of material in H264 format on a double sided DVD), and the rental from iTMS would just unlock the material on the DVD. If you put trailers and promotional material on the DVD in a way that can be accessed directly, this would make many people rent the movies.

    And if you want to watch the movie again in a few years, just put in the DVD again and rent it again; no download needed. In the end, even today harddisks are not yet quite big enough that you would want to keep all your rented movies on your harddisk.

    iphone 5 release date for at. apple iphone 5 release date
  • apple iphone 5 release date

  • mrapplegate
    Apr 3, 06:28 PM
    ^ I don't about you, guys, but is there a way to make the address bar auto-hide when in FS mode? Logically, you don't wanna see anything but page content when in FS mode, no?

    Not that I'm aware of currently, but you know that will be an extension as soon as it is released.

    iphone 5 release date for at. white iphone 5 release date.
  • white iphone 5 release date.

  • shartypants
    Mar 25, 09:02 PM
    Awesome! I can't wait! I like how the iPad becomes a different screen for the game.

    iphone 5 release date for at. iphone 5 release date
  • iphone 5 release date

  • NAG
    Jan 11, 09:10 PM
    Frankly I think the name is better than Airport EXTREME!!!!oneoneone On top of that they named the "lite" version Express (another word that starts with "e"). Ick.

    iphone 5 release date for at. apple iphone 5 release date
  • apple iphone 5 release date

  • apple-science
    Jul 19, 05:15 PM
    Would be interesting to see the trajectory of sales. Jobs usually shows such a graph at the keynotes - anyone got the data to post to see if the trend is slowing and by how much?

    It's remarkable that iPods are still selling so well given the stale refresh rate. Still, Microsoft would love a piece of 8.1 million sales for Zune.....

    iphone 5 release date for at. apple iphone 5 release date
  • apple iphone 5 release date

  • AppleDroid
    Apr 19, 12:58 PM
    It be fine if the ACD wasn't a grand. :eek:

    True but there are plenty of other manufactures that make monitors with DP...

    The current apple cinema displays don't have a thunderbolt port. And actually I think the macbooks have more to fear from the ipads than the iMacs do from the macbooks. Also, there used to be a time not long ago, that artists ALWAYS went for the Mac pros over an iMac.....but that is not the case anymore. I know filmmakers, photographers, graphic artists and the like who've chosen the maxed out iMac instead of a Mac pro.

    No doubt especially studios (for design anyway) but considering the cost of buying an iMac (for office) plus a MBP (for meetings, on the go) it is getting much more cost efficient to just get the MBP + external keyboard/monitor for the home/office. (Plus some of designers hate glossy but I won't go there!)

    You are absolut right. There are fewer and fewer reasons to get a desktop. Internal storage options and main memory are the remaining main reasons - otherwise, laptops got so powerful that they can act desktop replacement. I still like to have my iMac (and will get a new one), but guess I'm a bit 'old fashioned' here - I also have a MacBook Pro and can do everything there that I can do on my iMac.

    I think if Apple would allow what most other companies do, swap the optical drive for a 2nd HDD bay, most of us (myself included) would not need a Mac Pro anymore for 90% of what we do. Note: hardcore 3D/editors I understand you will always need your power tower.

    iphone 5 release date for at. iphone 5 release date uk 2011.
  • iphone 5 release date uk 2011.

  • W1MRK
    Apr 21, 11:14 AM
    This really is not a issue in my opinion. Smart phones have tons of data stored on them and if its really not being sent, whats the harm. If someone were to get my phone and read my info, they will be as excited as I used to be in PE class. First the DUI checkpoints now this. Is there something more important for them to look into? Like a Budget and ( insert concern here ) :)

    Now if your a bad boy or girl, I can see this becoming a Court Evidence Issue in the near future. But until then, remember the NSA scans calls randomly for "our safety" Bigger issues than this in the world of privacy.

    iphone 5 release date for at. the iPhone 5 release date
  • the iPhone 5 release date

    Jul 19, 05:40 PM
    I'm about ready to buy a 20" iMac but I want the new OS. How long do I have to wait?

    around six months or less

    iphone 5 release date for at. iphone 5 release date 2011.
  • iphone 5 release date 2011.

  • La Porta
    Mar 25, 08:35 PM
    At the very least, the "It doesn't have 1GB RAM=FAIL/512MB RAM isn't good enough" crowd maybe can keep quiet now. Apparently, this thing can do some amazing things even while "crippled" by your expectations. Apparently, numbers aren't everything.

    Apr 26, 02:51 PM
    Trademark status of "app store"

    The government's site on trademarks lists the status as:

    "Current Status: An opposition after publication is pending at the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. For further information, see TTABVUE on the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board web page. "

    It was approved for use by apple:
    "2010-07-07 - Opposition instituted for Proceeding

    2010-02-04 - Extension Of Time To Oppose Received

    2010-01-05 - Notice Of Publication E-Mailed

    2010-01-05 - Published for opposition

    2009-12-02 - Law Office Publication Review Completed

    2009-12-01 - Approved for Pub - Principal Register (Initial exam)

    2009-12-01 - Amendment to Use approved

    2009-11-21 - Amendment To Use Processing Complete"

    I believe Apple's ability to sue is based on the approval to use the TM even though the final trademark has not been fully granted.


    I remember stories claiming "tentative approval" of the app store back in early 2011. But the application history (some of which I posted above) does not have any items in 2011. Perhaps our legal experts can explain the source of these stories claiming "tentative approval early this year". Is that just a delay between legal filings and public announcements?

    Nov 28, 01:32 PM
    The problem with the Amazon chart is you can guess a Thursday at 5 PM ranking is better than a Sunday at 4 AM ranking but it's hard to tell exactly if one means sales of 1,000 and one means sales of 18 - last time I checked, the Zune was 48 with a couple ipod cases selling better but of course, it's better to crowd the top 10.

    Yea, MS still thinks it's 1992. Notice how they trumped the Zune would be in 30,000 stores versus 10,000 for the ipod? Does anyoen want to point out the internet to MS? That no matter what town I live in, in 1992 I might've had 1 choice in buying consumer electronics but now I can be in Middle Nowhere, North Dakota and literally have 100,000 stores + eBay at my fingertips? And where Ms counts on - no choice but ours to buy - the default choice - iPods on the other hand are not at Walgreens or 7-11 but people still find them ... amazing what world class hardware, software and online store will do for you.

    Ms doesn't understand why when consumers have a real choice, they seldom choose MS products (webtv, talking barney's, watch OS or Melinda Gates' last MS project - the answer to OS7, MS Bob).

    Looks like Steve ballmer's stock holdings are going to need some more propping up.

    Sep 6, 09:49 AM
    Just as others, I am waiting on the merom MBP. People are ansy about this because the current MBP is known to those who knew about the merom as a "place holder" until the actual install of the merom. the merom was built for laptops and of course the laptops will be the last machines to actually recieve it. The order in which apple is updating their computers with this new chip is not logical to the consumer but may very well be logical to apple $$$.

    Sep 18, 09:46 PM
    Is that an actual Belkin Silicon case ?

    Nope, it's those 99 cents silicone case from HK!

    Sep 7, 03:28 AM
    Dude, the MBP was updated in late April of this year, why would you think it'll be updated four and a half months later??

    Because Apple is no longer in a hardware reality distortion field.
    Because the MBP is a part of a Pro line, and the consumer iMacs have merom.
    Because merom easily swaps in place of yonah at the same price.

    I'm hopeful for the new MBP rev. They could have introduced C2D MBPs today - why didn't they? Maybe they're doing more than just a processor change, which might be why the iMacs got their update first. (Apart from the 24'' iMac, the rest of the iMac line is largely untouched.)