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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

tattoo on girls

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  • Compile 'em all
    Apr 3, 06:31 AM
    I like.

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  • RyanNoah
    Sep 14, 12:47 PM
    I just picked up the Belkin Grip Vue at BestBuy in Wilmington, DE. Very pleased.

    It seems like these cases cover up the speaker. Is this true and if so, is the sound muffled?


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  • lizard79
    Dec 3, 04:15 AM
    well - that's my point. I'd like my mac for work at my "working" place and the iTV connected to the hifi-system, external hdd with the iTunes library, movies etc. close to the "entertainment" area. And the ipod should be closer to the entertainment than work area..

    hope you're wrong - althought I think you might be right ;)

    cheers. hans

    I mean I get what you are saying, but it doesn't seem like it would be very useful for two reasons. 1. By the very nature of how iTV works, you have a Mac somewhere else in the house and therefore have a tiny, hidden out of the way docking station right there. 2. iTV should either slip seemlesly into your aray of tv components and look elegant. Slapping an ipod on it makes it look like just another charging dock station and not nearly as sleek as the houaing it is in now.

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  • ajkrause
    Sep 1, 01:41 PM
    Weel you could have returned it for a 10% restocking fee up to 10 days after purchase and bought the 17" then. Did you not know that? :confused:

    I did. Unfortunately, I was on vacation in Cuba at the time. I came to find out about the upgrade almost 3 weeks later when I got back and by then it was too late. By the way, in the store they told me the restocking fee was 15%.

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  • ag227
    Apr 13, 01:52 AM

    In this image, what screen is that they are using? the stand looks like something by apple, the silver border around the screen is not a cinema display as its too thick and its not an imac as there is not enough silver along the bottom??

    or am i just seeing it funny?

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  • kntgsp
    Sep 14, 11:03 AM
    Want to know an issue that actually DOES bother me about iOS devices? No? Well I'm bored so tough.

    I still want to know why I can't plug an iPhone into any computer and use it as a mass storage device for quick transfer of large files?

    Android can do this, Symbian can do this, it is not difficult. The thing comes with 32GB of space and I can't dedicate even 1GB of that to a mass storage mount? Really? It's one of the biggest business uses I have for the device. I shouldn't have to carry around a USB stick anymore. Hell with Symbian3 you can even plug a USB stick/drive DIRECTLY INTO the Symbian3 phone itself to move files.

    Screw you Steve. Seriously, screw you. That is one of the biggest reasons I will continue to jailbreak. That and a complete lack of quick access to my Wifi/Bluetooth/GPS/3G radio controls.

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  • codymac
    Apr 20, 01:42 PM
    That's because you only have automatics to drive :p

    Or has never driven a Lotus.

    But I'd guess that statement would come from someone who's only ever had rubbish cars or lives in a city where public transit is the more convenient option. Case in point:

    No, my first car had a manual transmission (on the column). It was even worse, but that's mostly because the car was a 1965 model and had no air conditioning, no power steering, no power brakes, no power windows, torn-up seats, and oddly chewed through right rear tail light bulbs at a blistering pace. That was back in the days when driving was less of a headache than it is today (I was much younger), but even then I would still rather ride shotgun.

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  • kadajawi
    Aug 30, 04:06 PM
    Your prices really hurt. A very basic Core Solo is around $750 here.

    Anyway I need to get a new computer for my parents really soon... can't really afford to wait for an upgrade (which would be nice, although not neccessary). How likely is the upgrade? Or maybe I should build them a PC... hm. Would be cheaper, as fast as the Mac, much better equipped and not that much bigger.

    What I would love to see though wouldn't be a Mac not that Mini, but something in a real case, without compromising for size. Put in the cheapest Intel CPU that is up to date, so you can toss in any faster CPU. Or better let the customer decide. Basic version would have a cheap CPU, maybe even a Celeron. Onboard graphics (but PCIx slot!). Accept ordinary disc drives, maybe even deliver without. Minimum amount of RAM... as low as 256 MB? Do anything to keep prices low, but give the machine a good case, size something around Mac Pro, maybe a bit smaller. Midi Tower size. Can be white plastic for example, should be stylish. Important are only the casing and the board, so the user can upgrade. That would really be something for switchers... they could simply plug in their old hardware (please at least driver support for all ATI and nVidia cards, the most important sound cards (Creative and VIA Envy24* I guess)). Ok, I think that will only stay a dream :(

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  • ampd
    Jul 19, 03:49 PM
    one of these days when I have enough money (hopefully by around Aug. 7th) I will be able to buy a mac and become part of those stats.

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  • iMark
    Feb 24, 02:33 AM
    Thanks, the speakers are Eclipse td307paii


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  • lordonuthin
    Mar 27, 10:02 PM
    I have it all back together now and hope to ride it tomorrow, weather permitting. The paint chip didn't look like this, but I love it! The original silver frame and pipes contrast nicely.

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  • gugy
    Nov 29, 05:36 PM
    Very interesting

    Channels and content providers have been struggling for years in how to make an interface and technology that works well.
    Apple has a huge momentum on their side. As well as Microsoft if Vista is good and they can come up
    with a competitor to iTV.
    I am not sure if iTV works on PCs but if Apple can pull that of, it will be even more enticing for those content
    providers to jump on iTVs bandwagon.

    it's a very exciting time for Apple. if they can make all this work, watch out people, the stock price will sky rocket!

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  • mefck
    Apr 26, 02:17 PM
    An FYI to the author of the article. You do not file a "counterclaim" seeking dismissal. Counterclaims are claims or causes of action against the original filer of the lawsuit. One files a motion seeking dismissal or files an answer that indicates they will eventually seek dismissal.

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  • topicolo
    Mar 28, 10:01 PM
    They could do alot more.......That's all I'm going to say cause Im going to work...

    Please sign the petition

    P.S The point i'm trying to make is that Apple will always be a small company who thinks they affect the PC industry. The same thing happens every time, Apple makes something cool - The PC world makes the profit

    My advice to you is to let this petition die. It's obvious that the most of the people don't agree with your ideas on the petition. How do you expect to convince apple if you have to convince people to sign your petition? You're interest in the well-being of apple is commendable, but this petition isn't going to work.

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  • PBF
    Apr 2, 11:20 PM
    In Safari, you can now change the width of a page by moving the cursor to the scrollbar and you see the little "adjust width" icon. Drag that and the width of the page decreases/increases toward the center.
    If I understood your explanation/description correctly (which was kinda confusing), then it's been there since DP1, and it's not just the right side, it's all four sides and all four corners, and lastly, it's a system-wide feature, not just Safari's.

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  • Earendil
    Nov 27, 02:52 PM
    It kills me that the least expensive Apple display is $700. I just can't justify the tax over a Dell display, and I'm amazed how others can. A Dell 2007WFP (their 20" widescreen display which uses the same panel that's found in Apple's 20") is $400. It also sports inputs for VGA, composite and S-Video. And for a Dell, the display is reasonably attractive.

    The Apple displays give you a shiny aluminum bezel, firewire routing, and software display controls. Is that enough to merit a 75% markup?

    So, I'm thrilled if this is true and Apple is putting out a less-expensive display option. But I'd love it if they brought the rest of their lineup into check with the competition.

    It is in check with the competition...
    Perhaps you don't know who Apple's competition is?

    Maybe Apple should bring it's laptop line down to the $300 cheapo Dell level while we're at it :rolleyes:

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  • mikethebigo
    Apr 2, 07:13 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    amazing commercial that gets to the core of why the apple experience is so good. kudos marketing team.

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  • iJon
    Mar 20, 08:21 PM
    apple doesnt aim their market at people who shop for those computers, simple as that.


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  • marksman
    Mar 25, 04:14 PM
    I recall some of the naysayers around here not even a year ago stating that such a device would never be suitable for gaming. And here we are. With HD output to your TV.

    Vision, people. Vision.

    Who would have thought that Apple would be able to start the underpinnings of a mobile console gaming like device, in only its second generation.

    Aug 24, 05:54 PM
    Just taking a guess that it also includes the iMac, well praying :o

    Is Conroe pin-compatible with the iMac, though? I didn't think it was...and I definitely think that Apple should try to get a Conroe chip in that computer (or else release a mid-sized tower).

    Mar 22, 05:12 PM
    exactly. ios4 base, but made look the same UI.

    Come to think about it, longer lasting battery stamina, better screen, internal additions. All without really changing the physical appearance of the classic.

    It can therefore still be 'classic' with up-to-date tweaks.

    No iOS for the Classic.

    The Classic will remain classic, that means it won't have too many functions.

    Therefore it won't need an operating system(OS)

    Just my 2 cents

    Nov 28, 09:56 AM
    I was in FYE last night, and out of curiosity, asked the sales assistant how they were selling. They hadn't sold a single one. I guess it is too early to tell. However, we joked that to many people iPod is the name for all mp3 players, kind of like Kleenex for tissues, and Coke for soda.

    Aug 6, 09:21 PM
    I fourth that notion for a picture of 'Hasta la Vista, Vista'. That's a pretty tongue-in-cheek statement!

    Jul 13, 11:18 PM
    I say no thanks. Optical storage is way too slow! Why should I pay $1000 to get a 33GB disc that is slow on accessing when I can spend WAY LESS and use another harddrive thats 300GB+ and rewritable, or buy a 100 pack of DVD-R's for $10? I for one dont see this HD-DVD / Bluray thing getting big anytime soon, and Im sure as hell not going to rebuy my DVD collection, higher res or no higher res, I mean hell... I dont even have an HD TV yet,too damn expensive!
    Good points.

    Apple - wait on this one please. Just put superdrives in everything and leave the combo drive in the past.
    I agree with your concept.

    However, I wonder what the actual cost difference is to Apple for a Combo vice Superdrive? Surely it can't be that much.