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Sunday, May 29, 2011

dancing with stars wardrobe malfunction_03

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  • emma watson pics wardrobe

  • 0815
    May 2, 04:57 PM
    No, Microsoft have not got it right. There should be no need for a specific tool to uninstall applications. applications should be self-contained and be deletable with the press of a button…

    Many applications work this way on Mac, some developers still put related files into various other locations though unfortunately...


    And in addition of this it is often not fully working - I already had countless times to download the 'msi repair' tool so that I was able to somewhat delete installed apps - keeps getting screwed up either due to version mix up, old installer not found. MS way works ok for most apps, but not for too many. I like the self contained way most apple apps do it (still: you should use AppZapper to also remove library settings) ... but also too many mac apps (including apples own) use installers .... again: not consistent (is that 'self contained' enforced by MAS rules or do some apps in there have installers?)

    dancing with stars wardrobe malfunction_03. stars background for myspace.
  • stars background for myspace.

  • JackAxe
    Mar 26, 01:30 AM
    Sure it might be lame and inferior in your taste, but can you take your toys with you? Yeah. That's the power with the iPad.

    In the future, the iPad will have the graphic power of PS3 or Xbox 360.

    OH noooos, you gots me theres. ;) It's not exactly easy to takes 'some' of me toys with me, but as a trade off I get an absolutely superior experience on all fronts. There are NO compromises to my controls. I get top notch visuals now that are much better than what can be done on dated consoles like the PS3 and 360, and at a much higher frame rate.

    I have an iPad, I'm getting an iPad 2 for compatibility testing. I have a great phone that's similar to my iPad performance wise -- which I can plug a Wiimote into and play a ton of old games. I have a DS and I'm getting a 3DS.

    I have portability for entertainment and there's nothing stoping me from bringing my PC, wheel, etc. to my friend's place, something I've done.

    Who care's if the future iPad is up to par with a 360 visually as an example, it will still be subpar compared to my PC now and chances are it will still lack proper inputs.

    If I wan to play a casual exploration game, a time killer, something that has fun direct interaction like World of Goo, I'll pull out my iPad. But for racing or any game that just plays better with a mouse, a wheel, a flightstick, and so on, I really can't care that my iPad or any future version is portable, if it makes playing these types of games lame.

    dancing with stars wardrobe malfunction_03. stars background for myspace.
  • stars background for myspace.

  • chabig
    Sep 6, 10:53 AM
    They are expensive - slow, with a lack of hard disc capacity when compared against the new iMacs and existing PowerBooks ( which I'm sure are also about to go Dual Core 2.
    There is no lack of hard disk capacity. Who says the hard disk has to be in the same enclosure as the CPU?

    dancing with stars wardrobe malfunction_03. stars background for myspace.
  • stars background for myspace.

  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 21, 06:16 PM
    Run! Run for the collines!

    Grim but accurate.


    Don't they (http://www.chaletdescollines.com/#4) have a turn-down service?

    Unless you chaps mean Rwanda, which is much less amusing.

    dancing with stars wardrobe malfunction_03. stars arms elbows wrist hands
  • stars arms elbows wrist hands

  • cozmot
    Apr 26, 05:15 AM
    Would feel the same way if it was Google or Microsoft or any other company?

    Um, yes. My credit card companies have a real good idea of where I've been. Google stores my search data. My ISP knows where I go on the Net. But if the FBI is listening in on my phone conversations or reading my emails -- as they are known to have done *even* when a citizen is not a suspect in any scheme -- I have a problem with that. The Patriot Act is the real threat to our privacy.

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  • hd wallpaper stars. has Vista

  • lordonuthin
    Feb 17, 12:16 AM
    dang. well all my computers are down back at my apartment, so my production will be very little. i just started folding on my mbp with an a3 unit, so we'll see how it goes

    Sorry to hear that, when will you be able to get back to your apartment to get everything started again?

    My points are down too for some reason, not sure what the problem is as everything is running ok.

    dancing with stars wardrobe malfunction_03. #39;Glee#39; Stars on
  • #39;Glee#39; Stars on

  • GregA
    Dec 29, 04:02 AM
    Why doesn't Apple just team up with Nintendo and release an iTV/iTunes channel for the Wii?

    The Wii already has internal WiFi built in capable of streaming. What's is a channel for the Wii? I don't know much about the setup.

    Does the Wii do everything the iTV is supposed to do? I had thought the Wii was a pure games machine (unlike PS3/XBox360), and thus would be good in partnership with an iTV... but I really haven't looked into it and sounds like I may be wrong.

    dancing with stars wardrobe malfunction_03. A cluster of smaller stars,
  • A cluster of smaller stars,

  • macgeek18
    Feb 17, 10:31 PM
    here's my current setup. I finally got a Intel Mac and it will become to main machine soon. In the Pic is everything in the sig but the IIc and Performa.

    dancing with stars wardrobe malfunction_03. have been dancing around
  • have been dancing around

  • Mike84
    Apr 26, 01:30 PM
    The general population never heard the term "App" until Apple released the iPhone.

    Nor did the general population ever shop for Apps online until Apple built the App Store.

    The abbreviation "App" used in conjunction with "store" to denote an online marketplace in which to buy applications is a unique combination that is not known in generic parlance.

    Apple will win this.

    You may be right about the general population not having used the term "App" until Apple did, but you are wrong in your argument that they will win this case. First off, "App" is short for "application" and it doesn't take a genius to figure that out. Since "App" is derived from "Application," which is a generic term, Apple cannot claim it and trademark it. Furthermore, just because they add "store" to that does not mean it is not generic. Both "App" and "Store" are generic terms. The way Apple used the term was in a very generic way.

    You cannot make a generic term into a unique term. Once it is generic it is lost to the public at large. That is pretty basic trademark law there. Apple will lose this one.

    dancing with stars wardrobe malfunction_03. while they#39;re dancing
  • while they#39;re dancing

  • TalonFlyer
    Sep 14, 10:48 AM
    Does the iPhone have an inherent design issue with regards to antenna performance. The answer is, absolutely YES. Does the bumper mitigate this issue, in my experience it does, however only a marginal amount.

    I have dropped calls every day, in places where I would have near full signal if I was not holding the phone. I have 3G data issues, especially in the fringe areas where I did not have an issue with my 3Gs.

    The iPhone is a great device and I agree that consumer reports is splitting hairs with the antenna issue.

    Apple agree's there is a problem or they would not have given away bumpers to everyone.

    Fortunately, I use my iPhone as a phone only about 20% of the time, so 80% of my use is great. The other 20% is only a problem about 1 in 7 calls.

    So, while it is a little inconvenient when a call drops when I hold the phone in that way, or short data interruptions on 3G from time-to-time, overall I get a lot done with the iPhone.

    I do look forward to changing my iPhone to a newer device at the first reasonable opportunity, primarily because of the antenna issue.

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  • kate wedding dress design.

  • azentropy
    Sep 15, 09:34 AM
    If it was a safety issue, as with cars, Apple would do the same thing. But it's not, so it's silly to to conflate the two. That was not the intent of my analogy, and that's being missed by those focusing on the trees.

    Not all auto recalls are for safety issues. The point is Apple DID NOT FIX the issue with the new iPhone's they are selling, again something automobile manufactures are expected to do regardless of it is a safety issue or not. It doesn't matter how many or few people have the issue, the issue exists and they did not issue a permanent, non-interactive and satisfactory fix for CR's to recommend the product.

    I have the issue as the signal in my area from AT&T sucks. I'm fine with using a case as I planned on using one anyway. But if someone in my area wanted an iPhone 4 and does like or want a case, then I wouldn't recommend it to them.

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  • kate wedding dress design.

  • kalisphoenix
    Jan 1, 09:14 PM
    Looks to me like another post by Fake Steve


    Heh... kinda lacks the Zen aura, though. Not that Steve's very Zen.

    I had a similar thing back in my misspent youth, 4-5 years ago. A fake George Bush on Livejournal. I got bored though and quit because all the girls who friended me and wanted to have my baby were really tubby.

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  • kate wedding dress design.

  • paulsalter
    May 4, 02:07 AM

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  • kate dress auction.

  • maxinc
    Mar 24, 01:07 PM
    Good. The new iMacs must be getting pretty close now. Can't wait!!!

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  • ramona jersey shore.

  • lifeinhd
    Feb 20, 08:59 AM
    Not bad, I have it displaying Twitter feeds, NHL scores and weather mostly. If I hadn't have got it for a discount, I'd say the MSRP isn't worth it for the features it has.

    Tried one in the Sony store at the mall, and I couldn't get it to actually _do_ anything. YouTube wouldn't play. Music wouldn't play. It wouldn't go back to the Home screen. Still not sure whether it was a shortcoming in the device or my intelligence, lol.

    dancing with stars wardrobe malfunction_03. skateboarding wallpaper. a
  • skateboarding wallpaper. a

  • mum
    Aug 7, 06:05 AM
    Introducing Vista 2.0
    No offense to Apple, but seriously. Is that the wittiest tag-line they can come up with for WWDC 2006? Gernot Poetsch shows that Apple has a lost its creative touch in his photoblog. To this, I just say, eh.
    Heh, not only is that tag-line funny, but it's funny 'cause it's true. "Hasta la vista, vista"? That's great too. Paul's obviously irritated by it, and also annoyed by the fact that Apple marketshare is in fact growing, despite his disbelief in its ability ever to do so.

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  • skate wallpapers. skate

  • jaxstate
    Aug 6, 09:18 PM
    Blah, it should read "Mac OS X Leopard, introducing Panter 2.0"

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  • hyperpasta
    Sep 1, 01:27 PM

    They say reliable sources confirm a 23" MEROM (not Conroe) iMac!

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  • lil wayne teardrop tattoo.

  • lordonuthin
    Mar 18, 01:18 PM
    glad to have you back!

    well, are you just running the gpu, or are you running the smp client as well?

    edit: seems that im getting about 8k ppd between a E6750 OC @ 3.4 and GTX 260 Core 216. Normal or not?

    I think the E6750 is the cpu? maybe? PPD for my gt 260 is around 4-5k so your PPD sounds about right.

    Glad you are here again, we need the points!!

    My power was off for about an hour this am for some reason and I didn't get to folding again until now :(

    Apr 12, 09:37 PM
    Isn't this utterly fantastic? These are the kinds of updates we used to get before Apple went all iPhone and iPad crazy. Glad to see they are finally giving such love to their Pro customers. Although i imagine this has been in the pipeline for a very long time!

    Remember when Apple had to delay Leopard in order to finish iOS? They are such a tight ship that they had to shift people from one major OS project to another.

    Apple hasn't been neglecting final cut. Many of these technologies have been in development for the past 4 years, and a major software project like this-- a ground up rewrite, remember-- should take about 4 years to produce.

    Oct 23, 06:42 PM
    Along with the macbook and MB pro getting updates, for $14.95 you can download an ipod nano or ipod patch/software that lets you listen to FM radio without having to purchase the radio remote. Interface is the same as with the remote.

    Cool beans. Where can you get this download?

    Aug 6, 09:05 PM
    I'm hoping that Leopard is more of an increment than the last couple of OS X releases were. I'd still rather use Tiger than any other OS, but Apple really needs to address its UI inconsistencies and usability issues. For example, I think that printing and font management in OS X are much more complicated than they need to be. Apple also should take a close look at the many third-party utilities that fill in gaps in OS X and make changes accordingly.

    This would also be a good time to make sure that OS X is as secure as it can be. It's not enough to rely on the lack of Mac viruses and spyware compared to Windows, as Apple does in its advertising- the more popular OS X becomes, the more of a target that it's going to be. OS X needs a robust Security System Preference Panel that provides virus checking and other defenses and actively monitors for intrusions.

    Aug 6, 09:36 PM
    Blah, it should read "Mac OS X Leopard, introducing Panter 2.0"


    Let me steer this off topic real quick. I have read before that Apple has two OS teams so "in theory" Leopard would, in fact, be Panther 2.0 and 10.7 would be Tiger 2.0. Again, in theory… Can someone clear that up?

    On topic: Hooray Leopard!

    Chupa Chupa
    Sep 1, 01:19 PM
    Is there really a big market for a 23" iMac @ 2000? I hope this rumor is bogus. I'd much rather see Apple come out with a headless Gaming mid-tower with a Core 2 Duo Extreme and X1600 card. Dual HD bays and one optical bay. AP/BT built in. 3 PCIe slots (one used by X1600). I think that would would fill a gap Apple has in their consumer line-up right now.