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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

largest dog in world

largest dog in world. Biggest Dog (2)
  • Biggest Dog (2)

  • takao
    Mar 1, 03:52 PM
    and VW with their darn PumpeD�se engines sure didn't help ... the PD concept was always good for saving fuel but those engines could have easily put into a tractor pulling contest

    today IMHO the german carmaker diesels are leading the way only in fuel usage and torque ratings. In regards to emissions & noise/smooth running the french (PSA) and Fiat have very likely taken over

    and yeah it has mostly has to do with trucks using the diesel engines.. because you know even her in europe those trucks are smelly and noisy ... even if yourself are driving in a diesel behind them ;)

    largest dog in world. the world#39;s largest dog
  • the world#39;s largest dog

  • lapeno
    Mar 24, 01:59 PM
    Great news:D:D

    largest dog in world. World Biggest Dog: Hercules
  • World Biggest Dog: Hercules

  • Multimedia
    Sep 1, 01:41 PM
    wouldn't swapping a conroe chip in be an option? just go to Fry's and buy the chip then.No.

    largest dog in world. MyClipta: World#39;s Biggest
  • MyClipta: World#39;s Biggest

  • cleanup
    Nov 27, 05:09 PM
    Gift for my mom. She rides her bike 10 miles to and from work a few times a week:


    I cycle to work and school daily (except in the coming winter months) and I gotta tell you, cyclists who listen to music while they ride are clearly not very concerned for their own or anyone else's safety! No offense, but for your mother's sake, I hope she keeps the volume REALLY low, or doesn't use the iPod at all. It's rather dangerous, IMHO.

    Haven't started Christmas shopping yet (unlike Surely) so I haven't got any good karma, but nevertheless picked up a new pair of jeans for myself. D'oh. :(


    largest dog in world. Biggest Dog
  • Biggest Dog

  • SiliconAddict
    Aug 24, 10:15 PM
    Shoot. I was actually hoping they would do this at MW in Jan. I need to get my mom a new computer and $600 is too much. I was hoping for a nice post release discount on the mini. :( Right now I'm tapped for funds what with my Prius showing up next month.
    I guess I'll have to wait until the NEXT round of updates. dang. :(

    largest dog in world. largest dog in world.
  • largest dog in world.

  • zv470
    Jul 18, 02:13 AM
    ...ok, and what about an iTunes Music Store for New Zealand and all the other countries that are missing out? :eek: please :p

    largest dog in world. World#39;s Largest Dog - Zor.
  • World#39;s Largest Dog - Zor.

  • Chris Bangle
    Aug 16, 11:36 AM
    Actually, you can get Sirius in Canada and are able to stream Sirius anywhere in the world IF you have an account registered in the US. I've heard of many international customers setting up accounts to listen abroad.

    I'm just saying that I think the two would compliment each other nicely. You could use the service as just an ipod, a receiver for Sirius or BOTH.

    Thats far too complicated for Apple.

    largest dog in world. Biggest dog in the world
  • Biggest dog in the world

  • emotion
    Nov 27, 03:24 PM
    While Apple is targeting professionals and pro-sumers, they know they need to still compete. Their prices on laptops are WAY off.

    The macbook is very competitive for it's size and portablility. Compare it to a similar Vaio or IBM. You'll be surprised.

    largest dog in world. for world#39;s biggest dog in
  • for world#39;s biggest dog in

  • milo
    Nov 16, 10:45 AM
    31% is a little disappointing for 2x the number of cores.

    But you're missing the fact that the 8 cores are at a slower clock speed. If you compare 4 versus 8 at the same clock, you're looking at a respectable 47% improvement.

    I almost NEVER use handbrake from an optical DVD. That makes no sense to me. Why would you do that? :confused:

    To rip DVD's. Why add additional, unnecessary steps?

    Apple REALLY needs to get apps like quicktime and iTunes to run on any number of cores. Even if they don't use multiple cores on a single file, it should be a piece of cake to get them to process multiple files at once. If I want to convert eight files, it should just run each conversion at once on a separate core - it's the equivalent of running eight copies of the app (which shouldn't be necessary).

    I'd love to see them run Logic Pro - it supports four cores finally, and I'd like to know if they just upped it to four or if it goes beyond that.

    largest dog in world. World#39;s Biggest and Largest
  • World#39;s Biggest and Largest

  • wordoflife
    Nov 27, 10:01 PM

    Was in the mood for one of these while getting my Mac looked at by a Genius..

    largest dog in world. World#39;s largest dog show opens
  • World#39;s largest dog show opens

  • ikir
    Mar 22, 05:51 PM
    Kill it!!!!!

    largest dog in world. largest dog in world. World#39;s largest dog and; World#39;s largest dog and. ctdonath. Mar 22, 02:04 PM
  • largest dog in world. World#39;s largest dog and; World#39;s largest dog and. ctdonath. Mar 22, 02:04 PM

  • Stoutman11
    Jan 28, 02:08 PM

    I put some painted grills on it yesterday, and had pre- and post-cat O2 sensors installed along with the fuel filter today. It looks pretty good for a car with 103k miles on the odo (I'm the original owner).

    very clean! looks nice

    largest dog in world. the world#39;s largest dog?
  • the world#39;s largest dog?

  • popelife
    Jan 3, 10:31 AM
    What any of this has to do with MWSF rumors I'm not sure, but...

    I agree about the word processor. I never could understand why Apple didn�t offer a few more features to make AppleWorks useful.

    I�m using FrameMaker, but that was discontinued for OSX on Mac.

    Too many mine fields in Word.

    I always liked AppleWorks for what it was (remember, this is over ten years ago now), but yeah, there was a long period when AppleWorks was hung out to dry. In fact, unless we get that spreadsheet app in iWork next week, things are still a bit "transitional".

    Problem is, because MS Word has become so dominant, it's been tough for anyone to develop a viable competitor. Which would be fine, except Word has sucked for years now. MS can't design interfaces.

    I bought Office for the Mac out of necessity, but I find myself using Pages these days. I don't need power-user functions that much, I just need to be able to write words and enjoy doing it. With Pages I do. With Word I find myself screaming in disbelief at how awful it is every five minutes.

    If Steve unveils a Pages update at MW which adds a little more power, that would be nice (although the only things I really need are full "based-on" style sheet hierarchy, and the ability to count words in a selection. If I need to do proper page layouts, then I pull out InDesign.)

    If you're a big Framemaker user then I don't know what the solution is. What do you need that current WP's don't do?

    I was set on a new lap top and Mini, but it�s going to be a difficult decision. There is a lot of misinformation floating around, and sometimes the Mac community isn�t as forthcoming and honest as they should be. It�s like they are more concerned if the stocks go up or down than providing an accurate assessment.

    You've lost me here. "Not as forthcoming and as honest as they should be?" Have you seen the bitching about MacBook Pro displays, iTunes 7, graphics processors, and so on? Doesn't seem like anyone's holding anything back.

    On the whole though, there's comparitively little to complain about in the Apple world. You want to see some complaining? Let me boot up my PC ("New hardware detected" my ass. Cancel, cancel, cancel... ah, a cursor, good, it's working... no it isn't... wait... hourglass... wait...)

    As for misinformation... er, do you mean the MWSF rumours? That's not misinformation, it's people guessing. The idea is to grab yourself a pinch of salt and enjoy the fun.

    My first powerbook was good to me, but the climate/quality has changed, and I�m going to keep my options open.

    Which climate are you're referring to?

    Over the last few years, competition has forced all computer manufacturers to drive prices down dramatically, sometimes at the expense of quality. Apple have similarly slashed prices, yet their industrial design standards are still way ahead of the competition. I've never seen a PC that comes apart as elegantly as a G5 tower or Mac Pro. There are equally great things about the iMacs, the MacBook, the Mini (I would also leave out the MBP - nothing particularly wrong with it, but I think it needs a design update to bring it into line with the rest of the range. Didn't stop me buying one just before Xmas mind you).

    It's always possible to find criticisms, but if anything I think the quality of Apple products has gone up, not down. Crikey, when I think back to some of the Macs I've owned - PowerBook 5300c, PowerMac 8100... ugh.

    I�ll wait and see what�s behind curtain number three, but not sure a Mac is the best choice for the average person.

    What is then?

    Unless your number one priority is to spend as little cash as possible, I think Apple's products are strong contenders simply on design and quality grounds (I have a friend who got a MacBook Pro purely to run Windows on, after he'd had so many PC laptops fall apart on him). OS X makes Macintosh the best choice for anyone concerned with usability (which should be every computer user). And Boot Camp makes a Mac the only sensible choice for anyone wavering between Windows and OS X. Have cake, can eat it too.

    largest dog in world. World S Biggest Dog: World S
  • World S Biggest Dog: World S

  • Mulyahnto
    Jul 19, 04:03 PM
    Actually, they were completely off base with their Mac estimates. Since it appears that most people on Wall St. think that Apple only makes iPods, this is no surprise.

    Most estimates were for around 1 million Macs sold. Apple came in at 1.3 million. There's the margin difference right there.

    This is what page 1 reported a couple days ago:

    They predict Apple sales results that are close to but slightly lower than the Wall Street consensus estimates, with iPod quarterly sales between 7.7 and 8.3 million units, Mac sales of 1.2 to 1.23 million units, and revenue of $4.6 billion and $0.48 earnings per share, compared to Wall Street estimates for revenue of $4.95 billion and $0.52 earnings per share.

    largest dog in world. of Worlds Biggest Dog by
  • of Worlds Biggest Dog by

  • Schizoid
    Mar 24, 06:57 PM
    This is potentially great news...

    I had a stock ATI 5850 in the Mac Pro for a while, OS X didn't like it but Windows ran it perfectly... in the end bit the bullet and bought a 5870 Mac edition for about twice the market value of a standard PC card!

    Great decision though, the Mac now runs about 20 times faster... not just games either... the whole UI is great now (I guess thanks to OpenCL et al)

    ...and whoever decided the GT120 was a good card for a Mac Pro needs to be shot!

    largest dog in world. world#39;s largest dog breeds
  • world#39;s largest dog breeds

  • PorterRocks
    Apr 2, 07:30 PM
    Did this ad make anyone else misty-eyed, or is it just me? Anyone? /s

    Great ad though, Apple. :apple:

    largest dog in world. the worlds largest dog is
  • the worlds largest dog is

    Jul 19, 05:40 PM
    I'm about ready to buy a 20" iMac but I want the new OS. How long do I have to wait?

    around six months or less

    largest dog in world. Biggest Dog (8)
  • Biggest Dog (8)

  • zivilist
    Apr 19, 01:36 PM
    Please...Please...Please...provide a pro graphics card option (FirePro or Quadro)

    Not possible: the iMac is not a workstation. Hopefully a big HD6xxx and a big hexa and quadcore are included.

    I just hope that the SSD option is more affordable. For me the top chip on the 27inch is a no-brainer but the SSD turns a $2200 computer into a $2950 computer. Hell, in San Francisco I have to tack 9.5% tax on that too.

    Agreed. 64 GB and 128 GB SSD option would be nice (already posted this feedback to apple).

    largest dog in world. the term quot;iggest dogquot; is
  • the term quot;iggest dogquot; is

  • KnightWRX
    Mar 24, 01:59 PM
    Not if they redesign the Macbooks so the video signal goes back the other way down the thunderbolt cable and directly to the display.

    So wait, you'd have to dongle a video card to the thunderbolt port to get a decent GPU for the internal monitor, if the signal can travel both ways (going out the port to get processed by this external GPU and then come back to get displayed on the internal screen).

    No, just no. That's a terrible idea.

    Although using a 2GB HD 6970 on a 1280x800 display is a bit silly.

    How is it silly ? We're talking about a GPU. Even at 1280x800, the Intel GPU sucks, why would it be silly to want to run games on high settings ?

    Jan 5, 05:20 PM

    Never happening, even though this was naturally a joke, because not only would every apple user throw themselves off the highest mountain in Cupertino, but every Windows fanboi would jump off the steepest cliff in Redmond!

    Mar 25, 03:55 PM
    I recall some of the naysayers around here not even a year ago stating that such a device would never be suitable for gaming. And here we are. With HD output to your TV.

    Vision, people. Vision.

    There's still the practical limitations of using a touchscreen as a control device, though. It's never going to be as tactile as a controller with buttons and joysticks. Not to mention having the HDMI adaptor sticking out of the side of the iPad while you're holding it to play games...

    Apart from that, I'm glad to see the iPad is able to hold its own as a gaming machine.

    Sep 6, 09:57 AM
    The Superdrive option in the base model has gone.

    Earth to Apple: a Combo drive in 2002 was state of the art. A Combo drive in 2004 was a reasonably priced alternative to a DVD burner. A Combo drive in 2005 was an acceptable means of marketing differentiation. A Combo drive in 2006 (particularly with no option to buy a DVD burner) is an embarrassment...

    i agree. i would never buy a computer that didn't have a dvd burner....and i'd never advise someone else to either

    Aug 7, 05:42 AM
    Haha I was trying to help you out and you turn on me?! What are you, Italian? :p

    You'd think that wouldn't you? :p

    Sep 21, 08:09 PM
    Hi, everyone.

    I'm new iPod Touches, though I've had some other iPods over the years. I'm a teacher, and decided that I'd use the Bento app on it to keep track of my students' progress at school. My niece rolled her eyes and informed me that I'd need a case and screen protector. So, I went to Best Buy today and got the Griffin Gloss and the Invisishield. I put on the case, which seems to work fine. Then I opened the shield and got a good look at it. It immediately occurred to me that I'd probably need to take off the case, put the shield on, then put the case back on. However, the case--which consists of two pieces of hard plastic that intersect in the middle after installation--won't budge. I'm sure I could get it off, but I'm not sure I could do so without doing significant damage to the case. These things are supposed to be removable, aren't they? Also, would it be a big deal not to have a screen protector on it? I'm going to be using it a lot in multiple locations. It's probably going to get bounced around on a regular basis.

