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Monday, May 30, 2011

kesha bikini

kesha bikini. kesha bikini bod.
  • kesha bikini bod.

  • ingenious
    Apr 8, 10:50 AM
    did anyone noticce that imac_japan didnt respond to my comment about how HE should listen to the "other" side of the story? LOL somebody's a sore loser. no offense, but its a little obvious. i may get flamed for this, so i apologize in advance! :D

    kesha bikini. of+kesha+in+a+bathing+suit
  • of+kesha+in+a+bathing+suit

  • MacFever
    Apr 21, 12:31 PM
    I don't see the big hoopla and the press who are probably not very tech savy just ran with this....

    If you really knew about the features Apple offers with the iPhone then they would know that they have a service to find your stolen iPhone...how else would it work...?? lol morons.

    This is no biggie.

    This is also capable on any phone...triangulation can be done on any cellular device if the "authorities" wanted too look for someone.

    kesha bikini. Kesha was seen strutting her
  • Kesha was seen strutting her

  • Frisco
    Apr 2, 08:26 PM

    "Think Different"

    kesha bikini. Ke$ha#39;s bikini body
  • Ke$ha#39;s bikini body

  • hayesk
    Apr 12, 10:09 PM
    AKA Final Cut Express is what iMovie should be, but instead they super duper dumbed it down for the masses.

    Uhm... iMovie is intended for the masses. They did exactly the right thing. It is not intended to be for pros or even semi-pros. FCE is for semi-pros, and FCP is for pros.

    kesha bikini. kesha bathing suit tmz
  • kesha bathing suit tmz

  • apb3
    Aug 16, 10:06 AM
    This would entail an entire re-think on the part of apple and how the iPod is used. Now they do not want you to be able to transfer both ways between your iPod and your iTunes lib (you can but they don't want you to...).

    If they were to add the ability to download on the fly, you'd need to sync both ways and that would HAVE to be a supported Apple way of using the iPod and iTunes. I've a feeling this might also upset the music companies as I'm sure the one-way sync was one feel-good/selling point for anti-piracy concerns.

    For that reason (and the fact that I cannot remember digitimes ever being correct), I just don't see this unless the wireless is just to sync with your computer which makes no sense from a cost/benefit analysis.


    and making it basically an iPod w/ airtunes makes no sense as it would cannibalize the sales thereof.

    kesha bikini. But apparently, KESHA never
  • But apparently, KESHA never

  • DJMastaWes
    Feb 22, 10:22 PM
    Haven't posted my setup in a couple years - last time I was able to post it in the '18 and under setup thread' - oh how I've grown (and begun to proudly pay for everything!!)

    27" i7 iMac, 12GBs of RAM, 1TB HDD - 2TB LaCie External HDD.

    Also have a four year old - overheating - 17" C2D MacBook Pro I pretty much just use for work. Going to either be getting a MacBook Air or one of the new MacBook Pros when they come out. I don't really need a powerful notebook anymore since I do most of my intensive work on the iMac now.

    *Low light iPhone picture

    kesha bikini. kesha-ikini-21
  • kesha-ikini-21

  • tablo13
    Sep 14, 08:22 PM
    I got the Belkin Grip Vue in the blue color at bestbuy. Really a toss up between the three colors IMO.

    Looks pretty decent from the front, but the blue is a bit feminine.

    kesha bikini. Kesha Bikini. 25 of 29
  • Kesha Bikini. 25 of 29

  • charlituna
    Apr 12, 10:03 PM
    Who thinks that they'll eliminate Final Cut Express and lower the price of Final Cut Pro? iMovie seems to serve the "express crowd" while FCP would be within reach of the semi-pro demographic if the price were around $300.

    I could see that. iMovie seems to be rather advanced at this point. More than enough for the hobby, hone movie etc crowd. They could drop fce and sell just fp for like $200-250 and the full suite for like $600 and the suite with server for say $900-1000. And still make bank.

    kesha bikini. Kesha in a ikini in Australia
  • Kesha in a ikini in Australia

  • Evmanw
    Apr 2, 09:39 PM
    I can't believe that Nobody has mentioned that in the ad, the person zoomed in on a video. That is a feture that is very much needed :cool:

    kesha bikini. Kesha in a Black Bikini in
  • Kesha in a Black Bikini in

  • Tmelon
    Apr 1, 04:21 PM
    So I guess we won’t see any new features… Apple is busy polishing what we’ve got now…:/

    Basically. Now they just need to polish what they gave us. It's honestly a lot though. I wouldn't feel ripped off for them charging money for it.

    Almost all of the Applications have been enhanced, autosave, Launchpad, Mission Control, Versions, resume, Multitouch gestures, full screen apps and the Mac App Store.

    kesha bikini. Kesha Bikini Photos Ke$ha
  • Kesha Bikini Photos Ke$ha

  • TerryJ
    Jul 14, 11:13 AM
    I went to my local MicroCenter a few days ago & saw BluRay movies (XXX, Underworld: Evolution, Hitch, and 1 or 2 more) so there ARE movies out for it. Each was worth $29.99 USD so they're gonna be expensive.
    Yup... there are BD movies (about 10) and HD DVD movies (about 30) available now. The pricing is about $20-30 dollars each. (Not bad, in my opinion.)

    The HD DVD group promo site (http://www.thelookandsoundofperfect.com/) has listed all the LOTR and all the Matrix movies as announced. I wouldn't mind picking up those (hopefully by the end of the year.) Hopefully it's not just marketing "carrot on a stick".


    kesha bikini. kesha bikini fat. induce fat
  • kesha bikini fat. induce fat

  • Snowy_River
    Nov 15, 02:14 PM
    So, that means that there's no practical reason Apple couldn't give an 8-core BTO option right away... Say, for around an additional $999? (The 3GHz quad-core model is an additional $799.) For those that need it, the extra $200 would be well worth it. For those that just want the bragging rights, well, I guess they can afford the $200.

    kesha bikini. Kesha was seen strutting her
  • Kesha was seen strutting her

  • Unggoy Murderer
    Apr 26, 01:17 PM
    I think Apple deserves to trademark the word App or App Store. When I see App Store, I think Apple. Companies who effectively steal Apples hard work should be made to change their name because I believe Apple did make mainstream use of the word, I had never heard anyone say App before the App store.

    kesha bikini. rocks Kesha+ikini+pics
  • rocks Kesha+ikini+pics

  • eye
    Mar 25, 09:15 PM
    Not for me, but I imagine other tablet makers are again shrugging their shoulders and scratching their heads. The iPad keeps nudging its way into different niches that others haven't thought of yet.

    kesha bikini. KE$HA LOOKS 45
  • KE$HA LOOKS 45

  • captmatt
    Mar 25, 03:56 PM
    Oh man---I got the iPad to get the kids off the TV. Now I'm going to have to get another TV!

    kesha bikini. kesha bikini tmz.
  • kesha bikini tmz.

  • iAlan
    Oct 23, 07:08 AM
    Well when you really think about it, at least one of these rumours has got to be true. We have MBP Merom rumours that cover every week from August til January 2007.

    Actually, we have rumours that cover every week from August til January 2009!

    kesha bikini. Ke$ha in a Bikini -- Blah
  • Ke$ha in a Bikini -- Blah

  • heffemonkeyman
    Sep 6, 08:34 PM
    Planet Germany ;) The not so expensive part of it though (other Germans are quite surprised too). Macs are pretty expensive here though, IMHO. And there isn't a single store you can get Macs... in a town with 200000 people or so. Oh well...

    Wie Geht's!

    In most major US cities (I'm in Seattle) 1st run movies in the theaters are over $10.
    So $9.99 for a movie download starts to look more reasonable...

    kesha bikini. Ke$ha Bikini Pics: WARNING
  • Ke$ha Bikini Pics: WARNING

  • leekohler
    Mar 22, 01:00 PM
    I don't believe any was born gay, that's my opinion. I believe you make the choice in your life, just like you make the choice on what career you want and college you desire to go to. I have friends that were once married (guy/girl) and then divorced because they liked their sex better. So now they are openly gay and happy.

    You opinion may be true of some people- not all. I did not choose to be attracted to guys. I also could never have sex with a woman. It's not physically possible for me, if you get my meaning. Stop telling other people that you know everything about them. You don't. Not everyone is the same.

    kesha bikini. Daily Mail
  • Daily Mail

  • ipodG8TR
    Sep 7, 10:10 AM
    When will the studios get a clue. I can rent movies almost anywhere for a couple dollars (only $1 at the grocery store vending machine with my debit card). So, why buy?

    More convenient - I don't think so. It will take a decent amount of time to download.

    Better quality - I doubt it. Don't expect much better than iTunes offers now.

    Jan 5, 02:12 PM
    look at number one. if this is true, could this mean that macworld is possibly steve's last keynote for a good while? IF it is, then we could possibly see more than we thought this time. But who knows, at the moment its just a rumor

    Aug 30, 11:36 AM
    Fry's Electronics is advertising Core Solo Mini's for $499 today. "Some demo, some open box". That is usually a sign that they are clearing out their remaining stock of an item.

    Is this all Fry's stores, or just the one you're referring to. If it's store-wide, I might actually have to make a trip down to my local Burbank Fry's store after work tonight. :)

    Aug 29, 08:56 AM
    No Merom? :( Mac mini and Mac Pro drifting even further apart now. Although TS have been quite unreliable lately so I'm going to wait for AppleInsider's take on it.

    Apr 20, 02:46 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    One step closer to a MBA refresh.

    I'll be darned! This is the first post this guy has made in months that hasn't annoyed me! This is a good sign!

    Apr 2, 08:27 PM