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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

wallpapers of quotes on love

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  • TangoCharlie
    Jul 14, 03:04 AM
    I reckon these analyists get thier "information" by reading ThinkSecret and extrapolat even further!

    Let's just see when the Mac Pro comes out! Heck, the "analysts" can't even agree which CPU the damn thing(s) are going to have!

    (Pssst, Shhh.. don't tell anyone.... it's going to be Intel Xeon 5100 series a.k.a Woodcrest. Shhh. Don't tell anyone I said so!!)

    I used to do lots of work doing image analysis, and I wrote an application imaginitively called "Analysis". In Windows, when I had lots of versions of "Analysis" running, the names on the buttons on my task bar would get truncated. It made several people take a double-take when they saw all these buttons labeled Anal Anal Anal Anal Anal Anal Anal!!

    Why did I mention that? Oh, yes, there's a reason they're called Analysts! :D

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  • likemyorbs
    Mar 22, 11:52 AM
    Just don't expect the world to conform to your way of life, especially a country (United States) founded on Christianity.

    The US isn't, was never, and will never be a christian nation. And if you had asked that jewish guy that you're quoting in your signature, he would have confirmed that. And so would the founding fathers if you ever had a chance to meet them. Here's one of my favorite quotes...

    Lighthouses are more useful than churches -Benjamin Franklin

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  • ciTiger
    Mar 24, 01:26 PM
    Odd move by Apple... But nice...

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  • codymac
    Apr 7, 08:46 PM
    During the Battle of Britain the British Isles alone produced more aircraft than the Nazis. An impressive feat considering the resources available to the Germans.

    Indeed. The Brits produced far more planes they were able to produce pilots - roughly 20% of their pilots in the Battle of Britain were from other nations and came to be known as "The Few."

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  • dpaanlka
    Aug 7, 06:13 AM
    This should help..

    wow how did i miss that??

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 27, 08:23 AM
    In general, "Applications" are what Apple run on their Mac OS platform "Apps" are what they run on their iOS platform, a cut down version of Mac OS X with a cut down but related and familiar name.

    Other operating systems (mobile based included) refer to software as "Programs". This has gone back as far as the days of DOS and Atari/Amiga.

    You can't be more wrong. I was writing Web Apps in the 90s using mod_perl, Apache and PostgreSQL.

    Other OSes have also had Applications associated as a word to describe the software that runs on them by the media and internally, see this 1989 reference to OS/2 :


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  • diego
    Jan 12, 05:20 PM
    no one has mentioned that the font used in the banners is Myriad Pro Light instead of the typical Myriad Pro Semibold or Regular.. hmm

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  • romantic love quotes wallpapers. Romance and Love Wallpapers; Romance and Love Wallpapers. HBOC. Apr 7, 10:24 PM

  • aiqw9182
    Mar 25, 01:55 PM
    That's not the correct answer. The possible answers concerning the documented hardware capabilities are:

    - That's not enough for any OpenCL
    - That's enough for OpenCL 1.0
    - That's enough for OpenCL 1.1
    That's not the correct answer? Lol, how much longer are you going to waste my time for? DirectX in it of itself is not related to OpenCL. They are once again, two separate entities. Support for OpenCL 1.0 means support for OpenCL 1.1. DirectCompute was introduced in DX11 but can be used on DX10 hardware.

    I've been sitting here correcting your mis-information, false accusations and asking for you to post some OpenCL applications you've been using. Don't respond until you give me an example of your OpenCL workflow. You seem to love AMD's CPU's but likely have never used one seeing as you have said Windows doesn't cut it and Linux "doesn't have enough commercial applications".

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  • craigdawg
    Mar 20, 07:51 PM
    yes, this is true. but apple is not in the business to sell more computers. apple is in the business to turn profits.

    tiffany's would sell more diamond rings if they cut the price in half.
    BMW would sell more cars if they cut the price by 30%.

    ...but so what?

    Exactly. Apple will stay in business as long as it's profitable; it's that simple.

    It doesn't bother me that Apple has low single-digit marketshare and it doesn't necessarily bother Apple as long as they continue to make money.

    And I don't know if a $500 - $600 loss leader Mac would guarantee an increase in desktop marketshare. (This is different to me than the loss leader that ITMS is). The only effect it would have would be to decrease profits.

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  • SockRolid
    Jun 22, 01:17 PM
    From Wikipedia on "touch screens" -

    'The proposition is that human arm held in an unsupported horizontal position rapidly becomes fatigued and painful, the so-called "gorilla arm". It is often cited as a prima facie example of what not to do in ergonomics.'

    It doesn't really matter whether a touch-screen iMac runs Mac OS X or iOS. It will be uncomfortable to use for more than a few minutes. Unless the screen is more horizontal than vertical. And just look how well that worked out for Microsoft Surface (aka Big-Ass Table.)

    So I'm not sure exactly how beneficial a touch-screen iMac would be for Apple or its developers or its users. If it runs iOS, would there be yet another class of apps in the App Store? For full-screen iMac apps? And if it runs Mac OS X, wouldn't it be better to simply replace the Magic Mouse with the Magic Trackpad? (And keep the non-touch screen?)

    If anything, I see a convergence of the user experience of Apple's MacBooks and desktop Macs. The keyboards are already virtually identical. Maybe the Magic Mouse was just an interim step toward the Magic Trackpad...

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  • Belly-laughs
    Nov 29, 03:56 PM
    Don�t know if it�s been posted earlier, but apparently Zune sales in it�s first week were pretty good�


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  • JoshH
    Sep 6, 09:43 PM
    I'm in consensus with everyone else... the quality has to be there. 480p minimum, and even then, that can look questionable on a high res monitor.

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  • ChazUK
    Apr 3, 04:16 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (Android 2.3.3; Linux; Opera Mobi/ADR-1103311355; U; en-GB) Presto/2.7.81 Version/11.00)

    Infinitely better than the "If you don't have an iPhone" ads.

    Really good IMO.

    wallpapers of quotes on love. hd love quotes wallpapers. hd. macEfan. Jul 1, 06:23 PM. ^to the above posts, thanks for the offers but I really don#39;t care for celeron too much either,
  • hd love quotes wallpapers. hd. macEfan. Jul 1, 06:23 PM. ^to the above posts, thanks for the offers but I really don#39;t care for celeron too much either,

  • prady16
    Oct 23, 10:16 AM
    I ordered a MBP 2.16GHz with 2gigs Ram last tuesday (17th october) and on apples "order status" it is estimated to be shipped on friday the 27th.. so I hope there an update during this week :D
    You could actually be in luck!!

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  • NATO
    Mar 31, 08:46 AM
    I won't get a chance to get this installed for a few days but one of the things I noticed about the new version of Safari was that if you dragged a picture from Safari onto your desktop or a folder that it would create a link rather than downloading the picture to that folder. Can anyone with DP2 confirm this is still the case?

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  • love quotes for wallpaper.

  • Lollypop
    Aug 7, 05:40 AM
    Finish work at 5.30pm - 1 hour of 5-a-side footy (6.00 - 7.00pm) - drive home, eat & shower by 7.30pm - turn on Mac, log into MacRumors (hopefully it'll be running!) - and laugh at all you silly bugger's who have to spend �1000's on a new Mac and display :p

    It is funny reading about how people all of a sudden HAVE to get something, or are upset about how their investment is now worthless or if apple will let them exchange their recently bouth XXX for the new model. :rolleyes:

    I would love to be able to see some of the demos of leopard, I expect a lot of it, and screenshots wont work this time!

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  • Multimedia
    Sep 6, 11:55 AM
    I just bought a Core Duo on the 21st, needless to say I'm pissed. Anyone know apple's price match policy?If you call and complain, they might give you a refund for the difference.You're just over 2 weeks. Be persistent and ask to speak to a supervisor.

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  • lordonuthin
    Jan 21, 07:19 PM
    congrats to whiterabbit for 7 million points!

    Thanks. points will be down for a bit cuz of power and internet outage caused by too much ICE. I will get everything going again tonight when I get home.

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  • macquariumguy
    Jan 5, 04:04 PM
    I'm still driving the NSX every day. Coming up on 6 years.

    Aug 16, 07:50 AM
    I wish whoever posted this would get it straight - Microsoft is coming out with zune to compete with iPod. They are the one with the new product that will inevitably suck.

    I don't understand why this post says that Apple is coming out with wireless capabilities to compete with zune - if nobody has wireless out yet, then there is not much a competition. And it certainly isn't Apple hoping to be the ones to catch up.

    The post says apple is going to compete with Zune because everyone knows almost everything about zune, with the exception of having a physical zune apple can at least stay on top by brining in inovative features before zune has them.

    Apr 24, 12:42 PM
    It's amazing that a file that is stored locally (iDevices and iTunes) is causing so much uproar. Lolz! If you have access to my iDevices then I should be more worried than you having access to this location cache. Get a clue people.

    Feb 18, 08:20 AM
    New pics for the new thread. :eek:


    Feb 28, 08:01 PM
    15! *internet props*, at one point i had a blue and white g3, a ruby imac g3, and a few others...unfortunatly my mom was tired of all the "useless" (in her eyes) computers and made me discard them (the only computers i have every gotten rid of that werent compleatly dead)

    now all im starting again, with this mdd g4 :D

    As much as I hate clutter, I'm a bit of a collector as well. Usually, whenever I get a free Mac (and most of the Macs I get are free), I sell them, but whenever I come across a free classic or really old Mac, I figure "eh, it isn't worth anything, might as well keep it..." and the collection builds from there. So far, I've got an SE/30, two PowerBook 180s, an eMac, a PowerMac G4 AGP (I think), an iMac G3, a Performa 5200CD, and an Apple //e. They all boot, but one of the PBs is iffy. I've also owned two 1.25GHz PowerBook G4s, a PowerMac G5 dual 2.0, two 1.83GHz Mac Minis, a 1.66GHz Mac Mini, several iMac G5s, a G4 Quicksilver, a MacBook Pro, an iMac G4, and maybe some others I'm forgetting. Only ones I paid for were some of the iMac G5s, the MBP, and two of the Mac Minis.

    And I've only been an Apple user since 2006 :p

    Nov 28, 03:32 PM
    Here's a great review by Chicago Sun Times writer Andy Ihnatko. Aside from being quiet humorous, it brings up some points about the Zune I hadn't known. The article starts out this way...

    Avoid the loony Zune

    November 23, 2006
    Yes, Microsoft's new Zune digital music player is just plain dreadful. I've spent a week setting this thing up and using it, and the overall experience is about as pleasant as having an airbag deploy in your face.

    Read the article here: http://www.suntimes.com/technology/ihnatko/147048,CST-FIN-Andy23.article