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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

justin bieber 2011 new haircut february

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  • jwp1964
    Sep 7, 09:09 AM
    A good idea, just poorly executed.
    Actually makes more sense than the system we have now.

    Just where would you prefer to live? Make a choice from the list below:

    USA, England, Austalia, New Zealand, Germany, Japan, Korea (South) most other EU members OR

    China, Cuba, Russia, North Korea.

    You've got to be kidding me, unless you actually believe we should all be equally miserable.:p

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  • iDAG
    Jan 11, 07:57 PM
    added a line to the article...

    "- It will be called the MacBook Air"


    Maybe it would be called the AirMac. That would be an interesting name instead of the MacBook Air.

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  • Gem�tlichkeit
    Apr 3, 10:27 AM
    IMHO, I dislike it. I don't like the guy's voice which sounds phony and overly-reverential. Once you call something you make magical it automatically sucks any magic it may have had out. And the ad is saccharine to me. I generally hate Apple ads but enjoy their products.

    I know that's your opinion but you really are missing the whole point of the Ad.

    It's like critiquing the way a piece of art looks based on the frame it's in and not the art itself.

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  • relimw
    Sep 6, 08:51 AM
    Still cant see any sign of MBPs.*weeps*

    Maybe next tuesday...
    Dude, the MBP was updated in late April of this year, why would you think it'll be updated four and a half months later??

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  • rjohnstone
    Apr 26, 02:15 PM
    ding ding ding. I agree.

    The store is called the App Store. You can't copy someones store name.

    Yes you can... to a certain extent.
    Two stores can be named the same if the name is generic in nature.

    Apple didn't create the word "App Store". This has been proven in many threads about this very topic.
    They popularized it and then went so far as to even give it generic meaning.
    Steve did that himself. Now he's trying to lay claim to it after the fact.
    Will he win... who knows.

    But nothing is as black and white as many claim to believe it is.
    Trademark law is complicated.

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  • cmaier
    Apr 3, 12:01 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Are you kidding me. I haven't looked into it but I would bet there's nothing holding you back from investing in apple. You have a computer most likely with an Internet connection?

    Go online and trade. If you want to use an investing firm there are plenty, all you gotta do is call them or go to their site.

    Try www.Wedbush.com

    All you have to do is wire them
    Your money or send them a check with the amount you want to invest plus the investment fee ($10 to $50+) and there
    you go.

    Lol. "stock" as in "I wish iPads were in stock"; not as in equities.

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  • ingenious
    Mar 27, 06:45 PM
    reasons your wrong
    1. he didnt make up a word of it
    2. apple made safari before ms pulled ie
    3.the ipod has a long time to go their not going to just say screw it when its selling
    4.ITMS is making them money after the record companies are paid back for the use of the songs every cent is profit
    5. less than 20 people have signed your petition and do you really think its going to get apple to change their entire strategyi can see it now steve jobs sees our online pettion and immediatly calls a meating "i just had an appihany some kid said to make a cheap computer that hooks up to your tv weve been completely wrong all theese yearsapple is now only going to make web tv type systems and nothing else my god what have i been doing"

    for once someone agrees with me ;)

    justin bieber 2011 new haircut february. justin bieber 2011 new haircut
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  • MacRumors
    Apr 19, 10:53 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/19/imac-supplies-becoming-constrained-ahead-of-potential-refresh/)


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  • corywoolf
    Sep 6, 03:26 PM
    How is it expensive? 99$ a year is $8.25 a month...thats not bad!
    Luckily I get .Mac for free, but $99 is very expensive when compared to using flcker, gmail, youtube, etc.

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  • MacFever
    Apr 21, 12:31 PM
    I don't see the big hoopla and the press who are probably not very tech savy just ran with this....

    If you really knew about the features Apple offers with the iPhone then they would know that they have a service to find your stolen iPhone...how else would it work...?? lol morons.

    This is no biggie.

    This is also capable on any phone...triangulation can be done on any cellular device if the "authorities" wanted too look for someone.

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  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 20, 04:58 PM
    Yes, I love driving manual transmission cars. It's fun.

    Yeah, but the others should know that you rely on public transportation, day to day.

    Manual is fun, until you spend a couple of hours, or more, commuting every day.

    justin bieber 2011 new haircut february. justin bieber 2011 new haircut
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  • WeegieMac
    Apr 2, 12:55 PM


    safari got some fixes to it seems, scrolling works smoother and doesn't get stuck on pages with lots of pics or vids and the error with not being able to type anything unless u close safari seems to be fixed as well.

    I find Safari 5.1 far better than Safari 5.0.4 on Snow Leopard.

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  • DeSnousa
    Apr 16, 11:24 PM
    We need a 6 digit thread :p

    I have in 2 weeks folded what took me nearly a year to do on my iBook G4. I should be at 100k soon which is very exciting for me. Who else is trying to achieve a 6 digit score :cool:

    justin bieber 2011 new haircut february. justin bieber new haircut 2011
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  • Erwin-Br
    Mar 24, 03:07 PM
    Can anyone explain the nVidia hate?

    I, for one, miss my old GeForce 8800.

    I have a Radeon HD 5770 now, and there are these little annoyances. For instance, when I run my bootcamp partition inside VMWare, the AMD driver software starts complaining. The GeForce didn't give a damn. Speaking of which, I had to install the .Net framework to install the AMD drivers. Kinda cheap. And every now and then I get a slight flicker in the screen. To be honest, I'm not sure if that's the Radeon, but I've never had it before.

    Don't get me wrong, the card is performing superbly overall. But the driver side still needs some polish. (And that's a complaint I've been hearing for ages!)

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  • Chip NoVaMac
    Feb 24, 12:07 AM
    on a random note just so you know switching to diesel you need to improve your MPG by around 30% for the switch to be carbon neutral. Remember Diesel as a lot more carbon in it per unit volume than unleaded.

    Too lazy to do the research on that.... but in Europe - they seem to be far ahead of the US on many matters when to fuel economy and emissions in regards to diesel....

    To be honest it may be more that those in Europe aren't looking for pure horse power as we seem to be wanting here in the US...living very well with the power of my "base" 4 banger 2003 Subaru Baja...

    justin bieber 2011 new haircut february. justin bieber 2011 new haircut
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  • Lollypop
    Jul 20, 03:33 AM
    Gah. The Linux community doesn't want to unify. In fact, not unifying is the core of their philosophy. The vast majority of Linux users (ie, non-n00bs) don't really give a crap about mass adoption of Linux. Many even view such a possibility with horror and disgust. The only priority is choice. It's why there are 415 distributions (none of which are compatible with each other), 9,843 window managers (none of which have remotely similar configuration options), and 3.43x10^15 terminal emulators (none of which actually emulate terminals any better or worse than any other one).

    Waving the "king of the OS hill" prize in front of a bunch of Linux users/developers will only result in them staring at you like a dog that's been shown a card trick. With very few exceptions, only n00bs (and uncomprehending businessmen who think they can somehow profit) want mass adoption of Linux.

    This is a very true statement! With all the different features of the different distributions there will never be a singular Linux out there. People dont want to download the source and compile it, even the best package managers dont really solve the problem, I want to download any application and run it, I dont want to have something check dependancies and then get teh appropriate version ect. The newest Suse enterprise desktop has a lot of Mac os like features, and claim to have done a lot of research into user interface optomization ect, but thats only Suse, what about the rest, Linux will never have a singular unified front, and that is its achilees heel, and the macs inherant strenght (ok so the mac isnt that unified anymore)

    I hope apple continues the trends they showed this quater, more and more people need to exposed to the mac, and more and more people will switch.

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  • AutumnSkyline
    Oct 23, 02:33 PM
    I don't know if this update is imminent. apple.com store still shows macbooks and mbp as shipping within 24 hours....

    then they lie!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

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  • wolfie37
    Apr 25, 12:22 PM
    In short...You are all good little sheep!

    The only sheep around this forum are the paranoid who are jumping on the media bandwagon about this non-story about a non-privacy issue. It isn't even news having been published, over a year ago, by more learned academics than the two attention seekers currently hogging the limelight.

    This file has existed in every iPhone since day one, albeit under a different name, logs of where your mobile phone is are kept by every mobile phone company. Yet none of this seems to matter to anyone until these two, questionable academics, decide to publicise this as a "big brother is watching you' privacy story.

    Away and graze in your field, we need more wool from you!

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  • LouieSamman
    May 2, 10:18 PM
    Hmm..that'll feel odd...

    Hold down for 2(ish) seconds
    click 'X'
    click 'ok'.


    Drag to trash...

    Seems like change for the sake of change. Hardly a groundbreaking new feature.

    No you forgot that when you drag to trash you have to open the trash application and empty the trash to completely remove the app. Don't forget that sometimes putting apps in the trash and removing it doesn't remove some files that the app contains that would still stay on the computer.

    Hopefully this new iOS app deletion that they are bringing to the mac would COMPLETELY remove the app and files that goes along with it.

    Aug 26, 02:44 PM
    IDon't worry, the New Form-Factor Conroe Mini-Tower/Home-Theatre Mac� will be here soon. ;)
    Wow, Aiden, you sound pretty confident about that. Do you know something that the rest of us don't? (It would make sense, however, to have a mid-range single Conroe-based desktop.)

    Mar 25, 03:42 PM
    Can the new GPU even do 1080p?

    No, the whole article was a written lie. You obviously didn't watch the video either.

    Jul 18, 06:35 AM
    I dunno, I could work if they streamed it. Even if they did it so you waited 15 minutes so there was loads of streamed data on your computer first (so no awful pauses) I can see myself using it a lot for even �2. You could go round with a laptop (or an iPod with WiFi ;) ) and plug it into a TV and watch a film on it, it would be good.

    Nov 27, 05:30 PM
    I hope it happens. This would not only be great for Mac Mini buyers, but also laptop owners. We already have 13-17 inches of screen real estate, so 17 more sounds just about perfect! I just hope there'd be a non iSight option so that laptop users wouldn't be paying a premium for something they already paid for.

    Apr 3, 02:45 PM
    Isn't that a Verizon ad, not a Mototrola one?

    People keep whining about the "Droid" commercials but that is Verizon's branding and line and has nothing to do with the manufacturers. Look at this Droid Incredible commercial by HTC (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNz1qfJc9z4U) (this one too (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZkcODD6Zaw)) and then see what Verizon (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwzKFDkb0MI) did to it.

    I'm not so much questioning who's behind the Droid and Xoom ads, but mainly pointing out that Apple is going 180-degrees with their ads by contrast, de-geeking things and making them more accessible. Sure, the Xoom ads are really freaking cool looking but that's mainly for geeks. But for the average consumer, the ones who aren't turned on by flashy, sci-fi imagery where tablets become hovering ships and users turn into robots, which do you think is more inviting?