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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

nike logo

nike logo. Nike Football Products
  • Nike Football Products

  • cgc
    Mar 24, 02:38 PM
    I;m going to go out on a limb and preemptively complain my MacPro 1.1 isn't supported :( and is only as configurable as an iMac...the irony...

    nike logo. Nike Logo - bar, barcode,
  • Nike Logo - bar, barcode,

  • Multimedia
    Aug 25, 10:05 AM
    I really do wish to see a mini or something similar with more power. At the moment I have a G4 mini (7200rpm disk, 1GB ram and overclocked to 1.58GHz), but I still need a little more power. What is my option at the moment, an Intel mini? I don't think I'd see much of a real difference, so it has to be a Mac Pro? Too much dosh. There has to be something in between for those that have a screen and keyboard, etcNo. Now is not the time to buy it yet. Wait for the Core 2 Duo mini and you will see a radical increase in performance. Current Core Duo too. But as long as the Core 2 Duo models are imminent, no point in not waiting. Why do you think you won't see much real difference? Are you kidding? It's night and day. :rolleyes:

    nike logo. Check these logo#39;s out
  • Check these logo#39;s out

  • suwandy
    Oct 23, 04:32 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    MacGadget.de (German) (http://www.macgadget.de/) reports that MacBook Pro upgrades could take place as early as this week. Expected updates include Core 2 Duo upgrades as has long been expected as well as larger drives, FW800, and upgraded DVD drives.

    Meanwhile, product checks (http://www.appleinsider.com/article.php?id=2163) indicate that several European hardware distributers "ran dry" of MacBook and MacBook Pro inventory several weeks ago.

    Rumors of MacBook Pro upgrades have been ongoing for weeks. The last MacRumors.com reported rumor from MacGadget.de comes from an iBook update prediction (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2004/10/20041015154040.shtml) in 2004. That rumor turned out to be true (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2004/10/20041019083450.shtml).

    and the rumor for this one will turn out to be true as well, and I'll be free from this waiting room. :)

    nike logo. Classic Nike Logo iPhone
  • Classic Nike Logo iPhone

  • SaMaster14
    Jan 5, 03:30 PM
    Nice car man. I had a P10 G20 with JSPEC Sr20DE and that thing would run low 15s with an automatic!

    nike logo. Nike Sunglasses are designed
  • Nike Sunglasses are designed

  • GregA
    Aug 24, 09:09 PM
    I guess we're diverging from the actual rumour - new Mac Mini real soon.

    It'd be cool to see some kinda of upgraded/dedicated graphics, a bigger 7200rpm HD, and 2 firewire ports. Maybe some built in or adapter based outputs for dual dvi? Alot depends on the ammount of vram it will have.I look at the existing Mac Mini, and your wish, and see too many $ signs!.

    Perhaps our wishes require a range of options. Mac Media HD vs Mac Media. ;-)

    nike logo. www. nike
  • www. nike

  • SciFrog
    Nov 9, 12:33 PM
    it's not supported?

    Not officially. But enough people tried it to make it run nicely.

    nike logo. Nike
  • Nike

  • dr Dunkel
    May 3, 03:06 AM
    I just wish they could make open programs stay at the bar for easy access and that there would be a delete option in the right-click menu.

    nike logo. Nike Logo
  • Nike Logo

  • Fabio_gsilva
    Jul 19, 08:42 PM
    Made possible by paying 10c for each Mac constructed with a high quality and proficient workforce.

    Well, if you discovered this just now: welcome to the real world.:rolleyes:

    nike logo. Create an Amazing Nike Logo
  • Create an Amazing Nike Logo

  • IbisDoc
    Mar 25, 04:31 PM
    I recall some of the naysayers around here not even a year ago stating that such a device would never be suitable for gaming. And here we are. With HD output to your TV.

    Vision, people. Vision.

    How does your vision plan to implement any non-steering games on the big screen? You can either look at your iPad, or look at the television. There is a reason physical buttons are important for big screen gaming. Touch screen gaming will always suck for anything more than flinging birds into bricks.

    nike logo. 612px-Nike-Logo-Orange.png
  • 612px-Nike-Logo-Orange.png

  • McKellar
    Nov 23, 04:12 AM
    Typical. Are they 2.33 and 2.66GHz models Aiden? Got links?

    SideNote: The Madonna Concert in HD on NBC tonight is groundbreaking broadcast television. One of the most amazing telecasts I have ever seen-heard. I am a huge Madonna fan though. :D Tony Bennett's special last night also on NBC was an amazing HD composition as well.

    I just had a (very) brief look, Dell seems to be offering Cloverton in their Precision workstations, but only the low-end E5320 1.86Ghz model:


    I imagine that Apple probably won't use this model in the Mac Pro or Xserves, and are probably waiting on the faster versions to be available in greater quantities, as it seems that they might be in short supply if Dell's only offering the slowest version.

    nike logo. nike logo. Nike
  • nike logo. Nike

  • macFanDave
    Jul 18, 12:23 PM
    WWDC is about "developers, developers, developers, developers!"

    What I have heard about Leopard and the Mac Pro is so exciting, I don't want to see them upstaged by iPod/iTMS movies news. I haven't even seen much on the Intel version of Xserves, so I can expect that I might see some news on that issue.

    I hope to hear the iPod and iTMS news, but at a different venue.

    nike logo. Nike Logo - Black - Abstract,
  • Nike Logo - Black - Abstract,

  • balamw
    Sep 8, 03:58 PM
    Airport Express still shows available within 24 hours, so looks like Extreme is getting updated but Express is not.
    Or they have a decent inventory of Express units and just want to throw us off... :p


    nike logo. nike-logo-after-recession-
  • nike-logo-after-recession-

  • leekohler
    Apr 20, 02:43 PM
    Yes, I love driving manual transmission cars. It's fun.

    nike logo. embroidered Nike logo
  • embroidered Nike logo

  • Small White Car
    Apr 12, 10:42 PM
    Because Apple says "Tape is Dead" doesn't make it true...just like Blu-Ray isn't gone. So that begs the question--is there tape output support (machine interfacing, et al) for FCX?

    They started out the presentation bragging about how FCP use is growing faster than the NLE market overall.

    That's clearly important to them or they wouldn't have started out with it.

    So re-ask your question keeping that fact in mind and I think you'll find your answer. Actually, you can answer a LOT of un-answered FCP questions using this technique.

    nike logo. nike-logo.jpg
  • nike-logo.jpg

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 24, 11:48 AM
    No one should freak out and panic just yet, I'm sure apple has a logical explanation behind this.

    Sure they do, like "we forgot to delete older data". Really, LocationServices doesn't need a 1 year old log of data. Nothing a software update to clean out older entries can't fix.

    nike logo. Nike SB
  • Nike SB

  • gugy
    Sep 6, 05:53 PM
    Bring It On!

    But hopefully these are a better resolution than the current TV show on Itunes. It should be at least DVD quality, If not these price model will bomb IMHO.

    nike logo. nike logo.
  • nike logo.

  • treblah
    Aug 6, 09:46 PM
    I became a hard core Mac user after Panther was released. I was wondering if Apple took stabs at Microsoft when they were introducing Panther. :confused:

    They did at WWDC '04 (when Tiger was introduced) with slogans like "Redmond, Start Your Photocopiers" and the word "Longhorn" in the Spotlight search field. ;)

    nike logo. According the NYC Nike
  • According the NYC Nike

  • kresh
    Jul 19, 05:10 PM
    LongShight i think you mean Vista will be here next year and will be a big cash cow for Microsoft - will it work as well as Mac OS ? no,will it be better ? no ...but people will buy it and still get viruses and spyware

    I don't think that Windows is the reason that people will buy it. It has much more to do with the $499.99 price point, which buys a fairly decent machine for most home users.

    Apple will never, ever dominate in marketshare. They are not geared for it profit margin wise, and I don't think they should be.

    nike logo. nike logo Pictures,
  • nike logo Pictures,

  • aliensporebomb
    Apr 21, 01:34 PM
    Despite the freaked brigade and people wanting to turn this into a huge political argument I think this guy at Reddit had the best thing to say about this:

    I went to WWDC last year where the new Core Location system was discussed in great detail. If you went as well, or have the videos, look at the video for session 115, "Using Core Location in iOS". Skip to around 13:45 for the discussion of "Course Cell Positioning" where they discuss the cache in detail.

    The purpose of this is offline GPS. Normally, each cell tower has an identifier and Core Location sends that identifier to Apple and asks for the latitude and longitude for that tower. This requires a data connection, and the use of data. Since cell towers don't move, however, it's inefficient to keep going back to Apple for that information so they cache it. Now if a tower appears with the same ID as the cache, tada! you have a cache hit and a faster fix with no data use. Which also means you can get a "course location" (as in rough) if you are near known towers and don't have a data connection.

    That's all this is. It's a cache of identifiers (cell and wifi), locations, and their age (it's a cache, after all). Someone made the decision to never clean it out so they would have more and more information about those GPS "assists" (you know, A-GPS) and so they'd use less and less power and data over time for the places you frequent. It's a great idea, technically.

    Practically, yes, you can track location over time. The file is readable only by root and you're free to encrypt your backups for now. I'm sure Apple will either encrypt the file or truncate the data in a future update (I would prefer encryption as I think it's technically sound, but I know many will disagree). I'm also sure someone is considering a toggle for the feature or a button to clear the database. Both are great ideas.

    This isn't nefarious, this isn't being sent anywhere, and this isn't as bad as everyone is making it. This is a real feature with a major oversight. That's it.

    Yes they probably need to encrypt this to keep thieves and insane people from taking it from your phone but it's nothing that other cellular providers aren't doing with their phones, you just can't see it necessarily.

    Mar 28, 09:56 AM
    Its killing them

    Geez. How many more people do you need to see that you're wrong. :rolleyes:

    Apr 27, 10:03 AM
    Context doesn't impact a trademark either. The only thing that would permit anyone to use the "App Store" trademark if it was granted would be outside of Apple's selected field of trade.

    I could call my restaurant "App Store" because Apple did not trademark App Store as it relates to restoration and food. I could call my new Car model the "GM App Store", as it does not relate to the field in which Apple trademarked it.

    I can't however call my store that sells Applications "App Store" or use "App Store" in a portion of its name, or for the slogan "KnightMarket : The best darn App Store!"

    That is why descriptive trademarks aren't usually awarded and granted. Because it gives too much power to a single entity in a certain field of trade. We'll see how the USPTO decides this when they hand in their final decision in Apple's request, especially now that Microsoft filed in the opposition phase (which is exactly why the USPTO has an opposition phase to begin with).

    This I totally agree with. In regard to written language, context makes a difference. Context may be substituted for your more correct language of "field of trade." One wouldn't be in violation of the trademark if presenting it in general terms (outside of the field or in reference to something w/in the field, much like Windows OS vs. GUI windows), but would be if they wanted to use the term w/in their own title w/in the same field.

    I think we're saying the same things, but perhaps my original post wasn't clear and relied to heavily on implied understanding....

    Mar 23, 02:08 AM
    With a bigger hard drive, it would be conceivable to think of the iPod classic as a portable hard drive that you could also use for Time Machine backups. I would have a greater incentive in backing up my files if I could use my iPod that is always nearby. It would back up my files as I'm recharging it.

    Or look at it the other way: there's plenty of portable hard drives in the market, but how many of you carry one "just in case"? Whereas if the portable hard drive doubles up as a very competent MP3 player, you will always have it with you.

    Now there should be some data protection scheme so that if someone steals your iPod they can't use all your data. Encryption + some kind of pairing with your machines should do the job.

    I know I'd buy such a thing...

    Apr 2, 08:33 PM
    Keep up that attitude and continue wondering why no one talks with you as you type on your laptop in the middle of the coffee shop across from De Anza college. Sure, you may have helped get DB2 started and you still work in a DOS window but don't blame your wife for leaving you as you worked late at night too long. How much of the money from the IPO went to family attorney and court fees?

    Wow that's a little extreme

    Apr 19, 01:41 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    One step closer to a MBA refresh.

    Good grief, man! We just had an MBA refresh a couple months ago. Give it a break!

    Personally, I'm waiting for the next major iMac update that puts it into an all new chassis.