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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

lord shiva wallpaper

lord shiva wallpaper. -lord-shiva-wallpaper.jpgquot;
  • -lord-shiva-wallpaper.jpgquot;

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 23, 02:19 AM
    Using your example, couldn't they do that with the GPS tech in most fones today simply by saving your location info in a server side database? I wouldn't put anything pass these companies and govt today.

    you can turn off the GPS in a phone and most people assume that when you do it stops tracking you yet as it already been shown it just starts storing info base the cell towers.

    I just do not like the fact you can not opt out of it. It just feels wrong to me.

    lord shiva wallpaper. be used on your pc. lord
  • be used on your pc. lord

  • Mulyahnto
    Jul 19, 03:51 PM
    Analysts' expectation of $3.68B revenue is incorrect. Apple exceeded income expectations by 10c per share and was in line with revenue expectation of about $4.4B.

    lord shiva wallpaper. Wallpapers - Spiritual - Lord
  • Wallpapers - Spiritual - Lord

  • catracho
    Apr 19, 05:33 PM
    Next tuesday pleaseee!

    Im leaving the states on wednesday...

    lord shiva wallpaper. Lord Shiva Wallpapers: Lord
  • Lord Shiva Wallpapers: Lord

  • Veinticinco
    Mar 23, 04:21 AM
    As for the Classic, no reason to update it, no reason to EOL it either.

    I still have my "CarPod" for road trips - an old but pristine 30GB iPod Photo, still love it.

    Bit of custom job when I got bored a while back - white body but with a red (U2) clickwheel, white centre button, and a smooth brushed Alu back.

    lord shiva wallpaper. lord shiva wallpaper.
  • lord shiva wallpaper.

  • iDAG
    Jan 11, 05:19 PM
    I would love a Mac like that if it was the same price as the current MacBooks.

    lord shiva wallpaper. Name, LORD SHIVA
  • Name, LORD SHIVA

  • justbuyamac
    Sep 15, 07:29 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_4; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.1 Safari/533.17.8)

    A non-issue for the 3 iPhones in my account. We have used cases on all iPhones we've had.

    Sounds like CR is trolling for free publicity. Antenna and reception issues have been an issue with all cell phones from the very beginning.

    lord shiva wallpaper. Shiva Wallpaper
  • Shiva Wallpaper

  • ppdix
    Jan 31, 07:52 PM
    :apple: user since 1987... Can't tell? :rolleyes:

    lord shiva wallpaper. lord shiva wallpaper
  • lord shiva wallpaper

  • thisisahughes
    Apr 3, 06:19 AM
    I like the black theme A LOT more than the all white themes. I hope to see more like this in the future.

    lord shiva wallpaper. Lord Shiva Wallpapers Pictures
  • Lord Shiva Wallpapers Pictures

  • Meandmunch
    Mar 25, 04:02 PM
    Very cool!

    By the time the big game console companies (xbox, PS3) finally decide it's time to move forward with a new system (2014-15 is what has been projected), a device as mundane as an iPhone sporting a A7-A8 processor will blow right past existing console tech. iDevices and there closest competitors will be biting deeply into console market share.

    lord shiva wallpaper. lord shiva wallpapers. shiv
  • lord shiva wallpapers. shiv

  • apb3
    Aug 16, 03:14 PM
    You know, I'd love a Sirius receiver on my iPod. I have the car and home hookup back home and love their line-up. Stern is just a bonus as I bought it before he came over.

    The 1st Wave and AltNation channels are some of the biggest drivers for my iTunes purchases actually. "Oh, yeah! I remember that song back in college! [writes note on hand while swerving through traffic]"

    Not much good to me where I am now (although I can verify that I can get the Sirius online stream cuz I have a US acct) but I wouldn't be able to buy a new one here anyway... Maybe trade some porn with donkeys for one "liberated" from Saudi or something with the locals, but that seems less than ethical and would get me in some trouble most likely.

    lord shiva wallpaper. Aarti or Prayer of God Shiva
  • Aarti or Prayer of God Shiva

  • bdj21ya
    Oct 23, 07:14 PM
    Along with the macbook and MB pro getting updates, for $14.95 you can download an ipod nano or ipod patch/software that lets you listen to FM radio without having to purchase the radio remote. Interface is the same as with the remote.

    Haha! I'm sure no hardware (e.g. FM Tuner) is neccessary. Yeah Right!

    lord shiva wallpaper. Three-eyed one (Lord Shiva
  • Three-eyed one (Lord Shiva

  • Doctor Q
    Jul 18, 12:53 PM
    Rentals are definitely the way to go.I think rentals are sometimes the way to go. If I want to watch a movie once, a rental is perfect. If I want to watch it 2 or 3 times over many years, I might as well rent it more than once. But I want to watch it many times, month after month or year after year, I ought to own a copy, to save the expense and trouble of renting it. I already have both choices in "hardcopy" format. I'd like to have both choices online too, as conveniently as possible.

    lord shiva wallpaper. Wallpaper of God Shiva
  • Wallpaper of God Shiva

  • Snowcat001
    Jun 22, 12:13 PM
    Then what was the point in the iPad?

    have fun carrying an iMac :)

    lord shiva wallpaper. lord shiva wallpaper
  • lord shiva wallpaper

  • KingSleaze
    Apr 8, 09:59 AM
    For example, Apple had to make Safari due to Microsoft pulling out of the mac.
    And there I thought that Microshaft stopped development of Internet Exploder for the Mac because Apple released Safari. Which happened first?

    lord shiva wallpaper. Twitter Facebook: Lord Shiva
  • Twitter Facebook: Lord Shiva

  • Slix
    May 2, 07:00 PM
    Windows pop ups are always confusing, I agree.

    I guess this is helpful, but for me, I'll probably do it the old way, because I'm so used to it.

    lord shiva wallpaper. Lord Shiva Wallpapers
  • Lord Shiva Wallpapers

  • lordonuthin
    Mar 18, 01:46 PM
    Here are monthly stats for our team (http://kakaostats.com/usum.php?u=1628981) designed is kicking some booty! Way to go designed :eek:

    Our team stats page (http://kakaostats.com/t.php?t=3446) click in the columns to change the sort

    lord shiva wallpaper. lord_shiva_wallpaper06.jpg
  • lord_shiva_wallpaper06.jpg

  • jav6454
    Mar 24, 01:24 PM
    Hmm I got crossfire 6970s wonder if will work in my hakintosh.

    Nop... CrossFireX support is disabled. Only single GPU solutions work. So if you want the best go with the HD6970...

    Also, so long nVidia, you sorry excuse for a 2-bit company.

    lord shiva wallpaper. Lord Shiva Wallpaper
  • Lord Shiva Wallpaper

  • cbrain
    Jan 12, 12:12 PM
    are you kidding me?

    Macbook Air?


    There's no way Apple would ever call something that.

    I agree, I think it will be called the "AirBook".

    lord shiva wallpaper. Ganesha middot; Lord Shiva
  • Ganesha middot; Lord Shiva

  • mrgreen4242
    Aug 29, 11:08 AM
    IF they go to a 1.66ghz Core Duo, 512mb RAM, GMA950, 80gb 5400rpm HD, SD, AE, and BT model for $599 I'll get one immediately. That's a great price and would make an affordable upgrade from my current mini (assuming I could get at least, say, $350 for it which is fairly reasonable I think).

    I'd probably be OK if they went with a 60gb HDD, but the SD is non-negotiable. I think the current high end mini is a perfectly acceptable machine for 90% of the people in the world, even those who want to play SOME games (the GMA950 outpaces the 9200 in the PPC minis in most things, especially in Windows).

    Ideally, though, I agree that the mini needs to get back to a $499 and $599 (or $699 if the specs warrent it) price point. If they update the speed and keep the price the same this update, they need to have a mid cycle price drop to $499 and $699, followed by a move to Memrom and the x3000/Santa Rosa platform (at the same prices).

    EDIT: Now that I think about it, even if they don't make those specs at that price, the refurbs are already $699, so there's a good chance they will drop to $599 after a refresh, which works just as well for me... guess I'm getting a new computer next month! (WooWoo for 3 pay period months ;))

    Apple OC
    Apr 22, 07:51 PM
    Why is it necessary to keep your location a secret? What are Google and Apple going to do to you? What *exactly* and *specifically* is there to be afraid of?
    Your location is *never* a secret, unless you're the President and it's a national crisis.

    What, are you worried that Apple and Google saw you shop at Target? LOL

    I am more interested in knowing what good or purpose this is even been added for?

    plus unencrypted is a major privacy concern ... just of the top of my mind, I can see where someone's house could be broken into by tracking the owners whereabouts.

    Oct 13, 09:24 PM
    I just received the Belkin Grip Vue (Tint) from belkin.com. It's structurally exactly the same as the Grip Vue cases from Best Buy, without the extremely bright and obnoxious colors. The (Tint) is translucent, so you can see your iPod logo thru the back. But it's slightly frosted on the inside, so you get NO watermarking, and it makes the back look really nice. I got the black one, which is basically a really dark smoke color. Really subtle and nice case.

    One very noticeable improvement over the Best Buy Grip Vues is that the volume buttons are way easier to press. I have been using my Best Buy Grip Vue for a week, and the buttons have broken in a little and have become easier. But the buttons on the Grip Vue (Tint) right out of the box are easier to press. Maybe the clearer material is just inherently a little bit softer.

    Aug 6, 10:27 PM
    Happy WWDC Eve everyone! May tomorrow bring you everything you wanted! :rolleyes: ;) :D


    Nov 24, 01:41 PM
    ^^^Picture thread, dude. Picture thread. ;)


    You really going to make me post pictures? :( Ill post them when I get the box. Instead of paying the $250 all this stuff would have cost me to ship to Greece, I shipped everything to my cousin, with free shipping on some, and it will only cost about $110 to ship with the post office here.

    Apr 9, 11:19 PM
    Yes I can, it took me only a weekend to learn.

    Overall, it's far more enjoyable to drive stick as opposed to an auto.