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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

game of thrones artwork

game of thrones artwork. HBO#39;s A Game of Thrones
  • HBO#39;s A Game of Thrones

  • Trauma1
    Apr 21, 11:26 AM
    Maybe focus on Jobs...

    Might want to rephrase that.

    game of thrones artwork. Game of Thrones Genesis Images
  • Game of Thrones Genesis Images

  • Gump
    Dec 29, 03:17 AM
    Why doesn't Apple just team up with Nintendo and release an iTV/iTunes channel for the Wii?

    The Wii already has internal WiFi built in capable of streaming. To top it off, a SD memory card slot as an additional source for playing movies....seriously, releasing an iTV when people already have a cable box, Tivo, DVD player, & video game machine.........pointless.

    game of thrones artwork. Game of Thrones
  • Game of Thrones

  • Evangelion
    Jul 20, 11:36 AM
    I have used Linux before, admit that I gave up with linux with Suse 9. The point I was trying to make with the package manager is that its not easy to go out and find something, every time you either have to find a package for your specific distribution or have it "built" for your distro. If you look at the way the mac works now I can drag the aduim icon to a remote drive, and from almost any machine that meets the basic specs I can then double click that app, even if its on a network drive, it will run, can you say the same for Linux?

    Yes I can. Like I said, I just fire up the package-manager, find the app in question and click "Install". That really is all there is to it. No need to browse the web, looking for installers to download.

    By unification I meant giving a constant user experience with singal points of administration, management ect. Some of my previous sessions with linux the applications did not always fully adhere to guidelines that were set out by KDE, whatever theme i choose, it didnt adapt to it for example.

    Things are different these days. You are basing your judgement on SUSE9, which was released three years ago. During that three years, Linux has made HUGE progress. Things are chaning for the better, and they are changing FAST. I would say that Linux has changed more during the last three years than it did during the five years before 2003.

    Note: that is NOT a bad thing for Apple. I bet that Apple would much rather co-exists with Linux than with Windows. There could never be a monopoly Linux could exploit to harm competitors, Microsoft could do that, and they have done it. Linux is open and follows established standards, Microsoft does not, if they can get away with it. Linux has no interest in destroying competitors, Microsoft does.

    I fully admit im not a linux guru, and that things very likely have changed, but my perception is that every distro comes with a boat load of software on the DVD or via download, if you want to get something thats not listed it becomes a bit more difficult.

    Well, SUSE does ship with tons of apps on the DVD (mainly so that it could be used wby people without broadband). But if you look at Ubuntu for example, it ships with relatively few apps. In a way, they have selected "best of breed"-apps for their distro. But if the user wants to have some additional piece of software, he can just fire up the package-manager, where he can choose from 16.000 pieces of software. The app the user is looking for is most likely listed there. If he's installing a piece of commercial software, they usually ship with nice installers that are not one bit harder to use than the ones in OS X or Windows.

    There is the issue of building your own kernel

    You have no need to do that. Seriously. I haven't built my own kernels in years. And when I did, it was because I wanted to do it, not because I had to do it.

    Just because you CAN compile your own kernel does not mean that you are required to do so. The possibility is there for power-users.

    The mac advantage is that its a bit easier to get, install and run applications than windows, and IMO linux as well.

    I disagree. In Linux all the apps I could even want were just few mouse-clicks away. On OS X (and on Windows) I have to hunt for those apps in internet, only to find out that I'm expected to pay for them. I had none of those problems in Linux.

    why is there a few big distros out there after years of linux development, why are there so many niche ones, and why do linux users argue with others over their favorite distro?

    There are several distros, because one distro can't do it all. Want an OS that can be tweaked and customized to your exact needs and for your specific hardware? Obviously Ubuntu is not ideal then, but Gentoo is. Want a distro that "just works"? Ubuntu would be a good choice then. Want a distro with rock-solid reliablity? Try Debian. Want to run Red Hat servers, but don't want to pay for support? Use CentOS.

    All those distros exist because there are users who find them to be better for their needs than the other distros are. And there's nothing wrong with that, since one size does not fit all. No-one could tell the users that "from now on, there will be just one distro". And even if someone could say that, the users who were unhappy with the "one true distro" could start their own distro if they wanted to.

    Why do users argue which distro is best? For the same reason why Mac-users tell Linux and Windows-users that OS X is the best? For the same reason why BMW-drivers tell others that BMW is better than Merc is? People like to rationalise their choice of OS.

    Diversity and flexability is one of the strenghts of Linux, its users know that, and having a single distro that does everything will counter that strength, they also know that.

    They know that there can't be one distro that "does everything". Ubuntu wants to be easy to use OS that just works. Gentoo wnts to be as customizable, flexible and powerful as possible. It would be very, very hard for single OS to offer both of those ideoogies in one package. It would en up being "jack of all trades, master of none".

    Take Mandrake (Mandiva these days) and Red Hat for example. Years ago Red Hat decided to use GNOME as their default desktop. There were bunch of Red Hat users who liked the distro, but liked KDE more than GNOME. So they took Red Hat, replaced GNOME with KDE and voila: Mandrake was born. From that point te two started to diverge. as independted OS'es.

    game of thrones artwork. game of thrones artwork. game. dgree03. Apr 28, 08:23 AM. Excellent! I love it when people put these predictions down in black and white for posterity.
  • game of thrones artwork. game. dgree03. Apr 28, 08:23 AM. Excellent! I love it when people put these predictions down in black and white for posterity.

  • X2468
    Mar 22, 11:14 PM
    I have a classic and an iPhone....
    I use both and always will
    I'm with you. My classic is so handy and useful. I have it loaded with music, videos, data, podcasts, it's just a terrific all around device. If they increase the capacity, I'll buy a new one upon release. Classic is the perfect name for this valuable device.

    game of thrones artwork. Game of Thrones Artisans – Art
  • Game of Thrones Artisans – Art

  • Hologram777
    Nov 26, 05:33 AM


    game of thrones artwork. Kit Harington on Thrones
  • Kit Harington on Thrones

  • gugy
    Nov 29, 09:20 PM
    I'll speak loud and clear:


    iTunes Store can't now nor will it likely ever replace Dish Network for me. Just let me record my shows either directly with iTV or via something connected to it. I hope when this is released, HD DVD and Blu-ray make there way into Macs.

    I am with you but I believe Apple will offer that trough Elgato with Front Row and some sort of DVR functionality via EyeTV. That way Apple's offers DVR without compromising themselves with the whole DRM thing and pissing off the networks.
    Mark my words. Plus, I think the Elgato's founder is on Apple's board of directors.

    game of thrones artwork. game of thrones art. game of
  • game of thrones art. game of

  • Aeolius
    Sep 3, 08:25 AM
    Don't worry, the New Form-Factor Conroe Mini-Tower/Home-Theatre Mac� will be here soon.

    game of thrones artwork. from the A Game of Thrones
  • from the A Game of Thrones

  • emotion
    Nov 27, 02:51 PM
    I just hope they adjust their prices while they are at it. I love the Apple monitors but they are overpriced. Go to CompUSA and you can find at least 4-5 20" wide-screen monitors from $250-$399. At $699 they are way out or touch with the rest of the market. I could see paying a $100 premium at $499 but not $300.

    Read this http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=252327. They still seem over priced but not so much now.

    game of thrones artwork. Game of Thrones
  • Game of Thrones

  • ikir
    May 3, 12:49 AM
    Very handy!

    game of thrones artwork. The video game is an
  • The video game is an

  • BJMRamage
    Mar 25, 03:54 PM
    what I thought would/could happen with iPhone/iPads/iPodTouches. With Airplay this would be even better. pretty much how i had envisioned it with teh iDevice as teh Gyro-scopic motion joystick

    game of thrones artwork. game of thrones artwork. game
  • game of thrones artwork. game

  • Kiwi Jones
    Mar 24, 03:21 PM
    So, this doesn't mean it would be possible to upgrade a 2010 15" MBP's GPU from the INTEL HD graphics to anything different does it??

    This INTEL HD sucks really bad...

    game of thrones artwork. game of thrones art. book A
  • game of thrones art. book A

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 26, 02:58 PM
    NO... they do not "have it already".
    It's still in the opposition phase. No registration has been granted.
    Image (http://sites.google.com/site/wjohnstone/appstoretm.jpg)

    Learn how to read TESS and understand the coding.

    Apple is filing a preemptive lawsuit against Amazon.
    This is perfectly normal for anyone who is going through the trademark process.
    The lawsuit's merits will be determined by the outcome of the opposition phase from the USPTO.

    Now step away from the keyboard.

    Yes Apple was given approval to use the trademark but not the final awarding of the trademark. See my other post. I acknowledged this.

    And I'm still at my keyboard.

    Thank you for saving me the time to post this.

    There is NO trademark yet.

    Yes I was wrong and discovered the error.

    game of thrones artwork. Game of Thrones
  • Game of Thrones

  • aquajet
    Sep 6, 09:17 AM
    These new Mac Mini's don't seem like a great deal anymore. I think it was done on purpose to get people to upscale to a higher model.

    I think the $599 model, now with the core duo of course, is a good deal. I can't really say the same thing about the $799 model.

    Although, a refurb core solo can now be had for $479. :)

    game of thrones artwork. game of thrones art.
  • game of thrones art.

  • theBB
    Jul 19, 08:30 PM
    Vista will often require users to upgrade older computers to make it usable will play to Apple's advantage. The upgrade (hardware and software) disruption that Vista is going to cause is a perfect point for folks thinking about switching to a Mac to make the jump... they have to spend the money anyways so why not get a Mac (especially since if they don't like Mac OS X they can fallback on running Vista or XP on it).
    But, look at it from the other angle. If Vista and Leopard does not look all that different, why switch to a Mac? Tiger would be a bit more user friendly to maintain, iLife might end up being less buggy, but you gotta balance that againts the "fear of the unknown", repurchasing some of your software and lack of close friends etc. to "borrow" software from. I am not that upbeat about 2007 for OSX.

    game of thrones artwork. New Game of Thrones: Genesis
  • New Game of Thrones: Genesis

  • Lynxpoint
    Sep 1, 04:04 PM

    that 30" all-in-one would be something to get excited about which means it won't happen.

    game of thrones artwork. Game of Thrones Cover Picture
  • Game of Thrones Cover Picture

  • *LTD*
    Apr 3, 02:00 PM
    So we actually need sarcasm tags in forums now. :D

    game of thrones artwork. game of thrones artwork. game
  • game of thrones artwork. game

  • noahtk
    Apr 19, 12:50 PM
    Spoken like a true American.

    Spoken like the government...

    game of thrones artwork. game of thrones artwork. game
  • game of thrones artwork. game

  • quagmire
    Mar 4, 06:59 PM
    what is really their big trainwreck is still Opel. Their "bail us out ... no wait .. yeah bail us out .. not on your conditions .. we are ready to sign the deal any minute .. except we are not" theather they played with the german government tarnished their brand for years to coem especially in the heads of workers and lower middle class

    I think blame can be put on both sides. The German government was being unreasonable. It was that GM needed to find an investment partner. GM was fine with that. But, then the Germans changed it to they had to sell majority stake in Opel. GM still went along and found a company to do it with. But, then the Germans didn't like that the company would be open to selling Opel back to GM. That was BS and an EU official agreed that it was BS. What also didn't help GM's case was their Chapter 11 reorganization which setup a new board of directors. New GM's CEO Fritz Henderson( who was a carry over from Old GM) was willing to go through with the sale no matter what. The board disagreed which then caused the board to fire Henderson and put Ed Whitacre as CEO which he stopped the sale of Opel knowing Opel was important to GM's success in Europe. So obviously, the Opel mess wasn't exactly good PR.

    GM is doing reasonably well in Asia, and they have placed much of their small-car design duties into the capable hands of the Koreans - a wise move in my opinion. Many Americans speak proudly about "buying American" when they own a Chevy, but most cars these days are international efforts. The diesel Cruze is a Korean design with a little Opel input and an Italian engine, assembled in the US (in the case of US-market Cruzes).

    Almost everything is a global effort these days. The only product not going to see the effects of global development most likely are full size pickups. Everything else is moving to a global effort. The Buick Regal is the Opel Insignia( I love the US media. Before the Regal came out in the US, they went over to Europe and drove it and they loved it. Then they drive it on US shores, and all of a sudden they start panning it? :confused: ). As you mentioned the Cruze is Korean developed with input from Opel and GMNA. GM's latest RWD platforms( excluding the Y-Body) can be traced back to their Holden division( Sigma, Alpha, and Zeta).

    game of thrones artwork. game of thrones artwork. game
  • game of thrones artwork. game

  • vand0576
    Sep 1, 01:11 PM
    if this turns out to be true, here's my prediction on the pricing:

    17" is stripped down and relegated to "emac" status and sells at a $999 price point

    20" sells for $1299 or $1399

    23" sells for $1699 or MAYBE $1799 at the most

    these prices seem a lot more like what I was thinking. Wishful? maybe, but this would be aggressive pricing, not keeping the current 17" and 20" where they are and throwing the 23" way over their marks.

    Apr 12, 09:50 PM
    No, but having features like face detection does suggest that it's a 'consumer' orientated product.

    Because pros don't need features to make their life easier, and help automatically organise footage?

    Sep 30, 10:17 AM
    I know exactly how you feel! I thought it was going to break!

    So, did you keep it?

    Just curious ... I'm on the fence here, really just waiting to see what else comes out in the next few weeks.

    Apr 19, 11:28 AM
    What's up with the consumer MacBook timeline?

    We've been waiting for its refresh. Are they just trying to make me jump at the bottom end MacBook Pro? (Of course they are!)

    I hereby request a MacBook rumor, end of the week at the latest. Please deliver. :-)

    The Sheck
    Sep 18, 01:27 AM
    So, the ipod touch 4G is my first iOS device, and I had a bunch of problems putting on the screen protector when I bought the Dermashot. So much in fact, that I ruined the protector. Not seeing any others for sale on the site, I emailed their customer service to inquire when they'd be on sale. They said "soon," but in the meantime they sent me two FREE ones! Love their customer support and the case looks great on mine. :D

    Apr 9, 11:42 PM
    WOW!!! iCal looks *********g UGLY... I hope they add an option to use a standard gray toolbar area... That seems so unlike apple to do something like that.

    Heh.. What if they give everything that look :). I think I would switch to windows if they did that..

    To be honest I'm starting to like the new look. It gives some variety to the normal old gray windows. I think they'll change it up a little after all of these complaints but I doubt it'll go back to grey.