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Monday, May 30, 2011

ghetto prom dresses

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  • 10 Ghetto style prom (10 pics)

  • britishempire
    Aug 7, 05:10 AM
    Blah. I hate that "Vista 2.0" banner. It's like, saying that Leopard is comparable with Windows.

    Also, you can bet that whatever MS release as "Vista 2.0" will be pretty shoddy compared to Leopard.

    Mind you, Vista is looking like Tiger 0.6 or something, so maybe they're poking fun at MS for ripping off so much of their stuff.

    "Leopard - The final nail in Vista's coffin"

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  • thejadedmonkey
    Aug 7, 06:11 AM
    For the sake of those who want to remain surprised until we see the video, there should be a page on MacRumors that says "will post link when video available" - so I can just check that page for the video to be uploaded later in the day. I plan to completely avoid all news until I see the video.

    Can somebody do this?
    This should help..

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  • Built
    Apr 2, 07:44 PM
    what the **** are you talking about?!!!

    you are getting false information, I would dare say 99% of ipad 2s have absolutely no hardware problem.

    You're deluding yourself.

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  • chasingapple
    Jul 13, 10:49 PM
    I say no thanks. Optical storage is way too slow! Why should I pay $1000 to get a 33GB disc that is slow on accessing when I can spend WAY LESS and use another harddrive thats 300GB+ and rewritable, or buy a 100 pack of DVD-R's for $10? I for one dont see this HD-DVD / Bluray thing getting big anytime soon, and Im sure as hell not going to rebuy my DVD collection, higher res or no higher res, I mean hell... I dont even have an HD TV yet,too damn expensive!

    Apple - wait on this one please. Just put superdrives in everything and leave the combo drive in the past.

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  • spcdust
    Apr 20, 08:30 AM
    The 6950m and 6970m are also available in 2gb models. That would help with the larger resolution of the 27" display. Let's hope for that as well!

    2GB GDDR5 Memory would make me very happy.

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  • iBorg20181
    Aug 17, 06:34 PM
    Because they introduced video playback capability, that's why. I travel and this iPod has meant that I don't have to drag around countless dvds to while away hotel room evenings. I love it, but ultimately, the screen is ever so slightly too small (not by much, I'm not asking plasma screen here!) and I need more storage. I know I could go and buy an Archos or some such other brand but I really don't want to do that, and I'm very sure that Apple don't want me to either.

    If it was still purely an mp3 player I would totally agree with you. Besides, 10 months+ with no update is a long time in the life cycle of an iPod. Only going by previous form. :)

    Add to this the fact that the iPod's storage capacity has remain unchanged for, perhaps, the longest time in iPod history. With video capability, 60GB just isn't that big anymore. Hasn't Seagate had an 80GB 1.8" drive available for several months?

    We need to have a new, improved, (and thinner?) form factor, with larger capacity, at the current price point.

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  • shadowmoses
    Nov 27, 01:18 PM
    This would be a really great release hope it is true. I am also sure that many including myself would be willing to pay a slight premium for a 17" Apple widescreen display....


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  • Zoddino
    Mar 31, 10:03 AM
    I'd like to see this too! The old one was pretty bland at the bottom so if this is true I'm glad they changed it.

    it's true, it's changed!

    here it is to download it!


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  • theBB
    Jul 19, 08:30 PM
    Vista will often require users to upgrade older computers to make it usable will play to Apple's advantage. The upgrade (hardware and software) disruption that Vista is going to cause is a perfect point for folks thinking about switching to a Mac to make the jump... they have to spend the money anyways so why not get a Mac (especially since if they don't like Mac OS X they can fallback on running Vista or XP on it).
    But, look at it from the other angle. If Vista and Leopard does not look all that different, why switch to a Mac? Tiger would be a bit more user friendly to maintain, iLife might end up being less buggy, but you gotta balance that againts the "fear of the unknown", repurchasing some of your software and lack of close friends etc. to "borrow" software from. I am not that upbeat about 2007 for OSX.

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  • SciFrog
    Oct 9, 06:08 PM
    Yup, but actually almost at 4mio with points of my old team combined ;)

    What I am shooting for is the #5 overall spot of the team, maybe by year end...

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  • Prom1
    Mar 1, 12:48 AM
    Don't quote all the pictures! haha.
    I played tenor too! :)

    Edited out all but one picture; hehe sorry about that.
    wicked you play Sax too?! I haven't played for years but i promised to buy an Alto this year - come Hell or High water!
    A small part of me has fallen asleep since I last played.

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  • Bengt77
    Aug 29, 03:58 PM
    I thought the Yonah/Merom pricing 'issue' has been discussed some time ago, already. The 'conclusion' was that Intel would price the Merom the same as the Yonah, to be able to fight off AMD, which has closen in on Intel a bit too much, to Intel's liking. Intel wants everybody to switch to the Core 2 technology as soon as possible. That's the only way the Intel chips will be faster on all levels than their AMD counterparts. Because, yes, Yonah was a stopgap chip. Merom is the real New Chip�.

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  • NebulaClash
    Sep 14, 11:06 AM
    Want to know an issue that actually DOES bother me about iOS devices? No? Well I'm bored so tough.

    I still want to know why I can't plug an iPhone into any computer and use it as a mass storage device for quick transfer of large files?

    Android can do this, Symbian can do this, it is not difficult. The thing comes with 32GB of space and I can't dedicate even 1GB of that to a mass storage mount? Really? It's one of the biggest business uses I have for the device. I shouldn't have to carry around a USB stick anymore. Hell with Symbian3 you can even plug a USB stick/drive DIRECTLY INTO the Symbian3 phone itself to move files.

    Screw you Steve. Seriously, screw you. That is one of the biggest reasons I will continue to jailbreak. That and a complete lack of quick access to my Wifi/Bluetooth/GPS/3G radio controls.

    Interesting. Instead of jailbreaking, know what I do? I copy my files onto my iOS devices as a backup. No problem. I have several GB of data on both my iPod touch and my iPad.

    ghetto prom dresses. Ghetto Prom Dresses; Ghetto Prom Dresses. mdelvecchio. Apr 21, 02:37 PM. This virus talk is full of ignorance. Mac OSX is not more secure than Windows.
  • Ghetto Prom Dresses; Ghetto Prom Dresses. mdelvecchio. Apr 21, 02:37 PM. This virus talk is full of ignorance. Mac OSX is not more secure than Windows.

  • BenRoethig
    Aug 31, 03:23 PM
    Ahh crippling like using inferior Gpu's like in ProMac & Mini? Both GMA950 & 7300 are bottom tier.

    The 7300GT is a lot better than the name implies. It's more like a 7600 light than a regular 7300. Specs are significantly better for this card than the Radeon x1600 the iMacs use.

    Are the Yonah chips being phased out now that Merom is coming on line?

    I would think the same fab would produce the Merom chips...

    Yes. Any yonahs around would probably be from existing stock. It's a direct replacement.

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  • Mulyahnto
    Jul 19, 03:51 PM
    Analysts' expectation of $3.68B revenue is incorrect. Apple exceeded income expectations by 10c per share and was in line with revenue expectation of about $4.4B.

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  • chubad
    Jan 1, 07:16 PM
    This year is a tough one so far. Weak rumors at best. Apple has really stepped up the secrecy and plugged the leaks. Like others have said it will either be insanely great or insanely disappointing. To tell you the truth, unless some better sourced rumors surface I think it may very well be a disappointing keynote.:(
    I hope I'm wrong.

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  • Graeme43
    Feb 24, 05:52 AM
    Diesel is still noisy and stinky though! Every time I am in my car and a diesel goes infront I can smell it and it kinda hurts my nose as it "smells hot" if u know what I mean :confused:

    Plus my 2T petrol has just as much or more torque than a diesel and has double the horsepower :D

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  • shawnce
    Aug 29, 09:45 AM
    Assuming the rumor is correct (really the core duo is just fine for such a machine at this point in time)... it may allow Apple to drop prices on the mini which not only makes it available to more potential switchers but makes a little more room in their product line up for a mini tower.

    A mini tower in the 1000-1600 dollar range would allow us to buy Macs for developers (as a second system often) and QA folks since they can run Windows, Linux and Mac OS X natively. It would allow the maximum flexibility to our teams and at a price point that matches with the Dell crap desktops systems we currently purchase.

    We would still of course purchase Mac Pros for the developers that need them the most (as a primary system) but a mini tower would easily double or triple what we would purchase.

    The Mac mini does work in the space but it is just a little underpowered on the IO and expansion front to be fully useful as a secondary developer system.

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  • GSPice
    Apr 19, 11:24 AM
    Brian Tong also claims to have dated women and have friends...both statements are so obviously contradicted by his horrible fashion sense and self destructive tendency to embarrass himself with every spoken word. He looks like a Shaolin Monk merged with Amy Winehouse.

    I am considering making this my signature.

    Sep 6, 06:45 PM
    i just hope the quality is good

    My thoughts exactly, the current quality is to dry, especially considering the new iMac 24" :)

    Also, bring the movies to the other world stores, please Apple :(

    Feb 21, 04:02 PM
    Anyway, on topic, setup. The Macbook is nearing retirement. Bonus points if you know what film that is on the screen (I just did an analysis of the score for my Film Music class at Uni).

    No idea what film that is, but I do spy Handbrake on the MacBook, which looks identical to the one that I just retired. My optical drive in that machine was starting to go, I think. Only thing I've used the one in the new MacBook Pro for is to reinstall the OS after I got it...

    Sep 6, 09:20 AM
    so no sub 500� macmini yet?... :( although the core 2 duo line is a nice touch :cool:

    Aug 16, 01:14 PM
    No your missing my first point. Sharing in my mind in this context is the listening but not the distribution of music. Synching is the distribution.

    Hence why i was saying my method would allow you to share your library's but not sync them to more than one pod thus eliminating the piracy factor.

    We are obviously talking about different things

    I guess so. edit: but the original story mentions wireless purchasing. That brings us back to my point(s) as to why this is not likely. end edit

    But do you really think that being able to share with one iPod is worth the costs? I already argued that point. If that's the only unique new feature - no go. Even if this came from a more reputable source, I still say there's NO WAY this passes the smell test.

    The only way this would do anything for anyone is to drive sales of "shared" songs one pod to the other. Your friend lets you listen, you go home and buy (or buy on your iPod wirelessly but that brings me back to my original point doesn't it?) Word of mouth works just as well if not better and doesn't take away sales from other products, add to the cost of the unit, drain my battery and make Apple look like it's playing catch up.

    Jan 5, 05:27 AM
    Otherwise a 14�� long battery life would be nice.

    Battery life is currently restricted a bit by the power requirements of Core 2 Duo. It may have kick-ass performance, but you pay with typically 3-hours battery life - a bit short of the four hours or so I can squeeze out of my iBook.

    That should change a bit this year. Apple could produce a notebook based on the new L-series low voltage Meroms e.g. a smaller lighter MacBook with longer battery life (but slower performance - 1.5 or 1.6GHz). Possibility of something like this being shown at MWSF? Pretty remote.

    Towards the end of the first 45nm Penryn chips should be out, which will have the performance of Merom, but with lower power consumption. Maybe Apple will wait until then to produce a really small notebook.

    There may also be other power savings, from flash-enhanced HDs, lower-power displays, better battery technology, etc.

    Problem is, there's always something better coming in nine months time. You could wait forever.