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Friday, May 20, 2011

orlando bloom pirates shirtless

orlando bloom pirates shirtless. Orlando Bloom | Find the
  • Orlando Bloom | Find the

  • slidingjon
    Aug 18, 07:50 AM
    What's the next logical step in a computer interface? I used to say "Computer, show me the money" to open Quicken back in pre-OS X days. More of a gimmick than anything else, but imagine if the Finder and maybe even other apps became "speakable."

    Me: "Check mail"

    Computer: "You have nine new messages. Would you like me to read them?"

    Me: "No, thanks."

    (clicks on an email, reads message)

    Me: "Reply to this message"

    Computer: "Type or speak?

    Me: "Type"


    Me: "Computer, I'd like to add a photo of the kids to this email."

    Computer: "iphoto has 6,813 pictures of the kids, which one would you like?"

    Me: "One from the birthday party last week."

    Computer: (a strip from iphoto appears) "Here are 23 from last week. I've highlighted the one where your wife fixed the red eye. Is that the one you want?"

    Me: "Yes, that will be fine."

    Computer adds the picture to stationery in the email, other pictures go away.

    Me: "Send the email"

    Me: "...and order me a pizza."

    This kind of thing can't be too far off. A 75 mhz Performa could do it in a rudimentary way. Imagine what a modern Mac may be able to do. "Speakeasy" has a nice ring to it.

    You watch too much Star Trek. It's still a computer, not a digital house servant. Although..... that would be pretty cool. "Computer, go make me a sandwich."

    orlando bloom pirates shirtless. Orlando Bloom motorcycle
  • Orlando Bloom motorcycle

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 13, 06:00 AM
    NO - it does state that Apple had a major role - don't have the interest to get into a tech crunch vs engadget pi$$ing match as to which one is correct BUT there are some articles CITING the point.

    Again, the chosen word was "envisionned". This is purely an Intel tech that Apple had a big role in. The way Chuppa Chuppa initially phrased it reversed the roles, making this an Apple tech that Intel was tasked with implementing.

    I have no qualm with Apple's big role in the tech, but they didn't "envision" it at all and to claim as such is to rewrite history.

    Both of you have yet to provide evidence to the contrary.

    orlando bloom pirates shirtless. JOHNNY DEPP Original PIRATES

  • -aggie-
    Apr 26, 06:18 AM
    Does that mean you'll make me a sammich? After hurting my feelings and all? :)

    Anyone that brings up sandwiches, when the topic was lap dances gets my vote. Eldiajoeblow.


    orlando bloom pirates shirtless. Orlando Bloom isn#39;t a fan of
  • Orlando Bloom isn#39;t a fan of

  • eawmp1
    Dec 29, 04:04 PM
    Simpson holds the Guinness World Record for being the world's largest mother and has said she wants to become the fattest woman in the world.

    A girl's gotta dream.


    orlando bloom pirates shirtless. Orlando Bloom with
  • Orlando Bloom with

  • darkplanets
    Mar 4, 10:06 AM
    So physiological and psychological dependence don't exist then, it's all just a matter of willpower and choice?

    They undoubtedly exist, as they're based on biochemical pathways. You can't necessarily change that, at least easily. I don't think that's the point hes trying to make, however, as he does have a point in the willpower effect-- it's basically the same as the placebo effect; your belief in something can have a positive chemical effect upon your bodies pathways. In the case of drug users, this can be seen in the "bottoming out" effect-- the addiction pathway doesn't suddenly flip, in fact in almost all cases it always remains permanently on, rather it's the person and their willpower who decides that they've had enough.

    The human mind is an amazing thing, especially in its ability to either alter or deal with modified pathways caused by external stress factors.

    orlando bloom pirates shirtless. pirates, kissing Orlando
  • pirates, kissing Orlando

  • Jimmni
    Aug 15, 04:50 PM
    Call me crazy, but I'd not be surprised if Leopard was a free update for Tiger owners - if not all Mac owners. A great way to steal a good bit of Vista's thunder and address those absurd "Mac OS costs $5000 if you've bought every version and Windows only costs $100" complaints.


    orlando bloom pirates shirtless. Orlando Bloom,
  • Orlando Bloom,

  • -aggie-
    Apr 19, 12:14 PM
    It's better to wait longer before starting if you get more players (should at least have 15).

    "Don't Panic" said he will play but I didn't see his name on the list.

    I'll play and bring some popcorn in anticipation of another "Don't Panic" / Aggie argument :).

    Note: I have a bunch of work coming up so I may not be as active (posting) as usual :(.

    My point wasn�t we need to start; it was that we aren�t getting players. I figured I�d bump it to maybe get the thread some notice.

    When do DP and I argue?:confused:

    orlando bloom pirates shirtless. Orlandobloomset
  • Orlandobloomset

  • Queso
    Jul 25, 08:33 AM
    And you guys accuse PC users of sticking to old stereotypes. If you want to see ugly, take a gaze at the army of external devices that my iMac is going to need. I prefer my cables be inside the case instead of covering my desk.
    And you're really going to use all that are you? With the exception of RAM and hard disks, most computer consumers never expand their computers. So all that space in the case just translates to lost space in the home. I'm a pretty average computer user at home and with the exception of my camera, iPod and printer, I have no external devices. Although I will be purchasing an external firewire drive at some point, I'd much rather have a small squarish metallic box on display behind my iMac than lose an extra three square feet of floor space due to needing a bigger desk. Perhaps when you factor in the cost, the lost square footage of the room your computer is in should be taken into account.


    orlando bloom pirates shirtless. Orlando Bloom
  • Orlando Bloom

  • rhett7660
    Mar 2, 10:44 AM
    :mad: Emiilo is busy being a director and winegrower, thank you very much :mad: :p

    As to Charlie - I'm of two minds - I do think that part of this is definitely publicity. He probably hasn't had so many requests for interviews in years! On the other hand, even though that drug test he took was supposedly negative - I think that's probably a temporary thing and he will back to hitting the crack pipe pretty darn soon if he hasn't started up again already.

    As to losing his children - yes it's sad for him, but definitely good for them. although with a drug-addicted mom - perhaps there is a well meaning relative that could step in for the boys? Charlie has 5 kids. His oldest is married I think, so don't know what she has had to deal with. But Denise always had custody of the 2 girls and I think for while there he wasn't even allowed visitation, so sadly, I don't think losing visitation rights is going to change anything for Charlie.

    I agree, given his state of mind right now, I wouldn't be surprised if this is all Chucks fault too. Charlie doesn't seem to want to take responsibility for his actions. But hey, he is making millions, or was making millions why should he! :)

    orlando bloom pirates shirtless. orlando bloom pirates of the
  • orlando bloom pirates of the

  • wmk461
    Jan 30, 05:27 PM
    *Twilight Zone music playing...*

    Let me correct myself... I didn't mean to say occupy, I meant that we have troops in US bases in over 200 countries.


    orlando bloom pirates shirtless. He#39;s played an elf, a pirate,
  • He#39;s played an elf, a pirate,

  • BoyBach
    Jul 21, 03:12 PM
    Well, it's official now.


    orlando bloom pirates shirtless. flynn orlando bloom baby
  • flynn orlando bloom baby

  • vincenz
    Apr 22, 04:45 PM
    Eh? Doesn't sound right at all.


    orlando bloom pirates shirtless. Orlando Bloom flexed his
  • Orlando Bloom flexed his

  • CoMpX
    Jul 25, 12:54 AM
    It seems like a major problem with this would be the fact that you get no tactile feedback. However, I have tapping enabled on my iBook and I don't find it odd or uncomfortable at all then I "click" on something. I'm sure it would take some getting used to, but I imagine that it could work.

    orlando bloom pirates shirtless. The Orlando Bloom Files
  • The Orlando Bloom Files

  • pudrums
    Sep 16, 05:17 PM
    Exposure Assistant


    Surely not the most beautiful app in the store, but it is quite handy and only costs 0.79�


    orlando bloom pirates shirtless. orlando bloom pirates of the
  • orlando bloom pirates of the

  • NathanMuir
    Apr 27, 04:49 PM

    Good luck villagers.

    orlando bloom pirates shirtless. Orlando Bloom
  • Orlando Bloom

  • meowtown
    Apr 28, 06:19 PM
    If you look really closely, you can see there is no difference. White stands out more than black, so really what you're seeing is the front face of the phone adding to the width because of this two dimensional perspective. The front face of black iPhone is visible too, it just isn't noticeable in front of that background. Look closely.


    orlando bloom pirates shirtless. orlando bloom pirates of the
  • orlando bloom pirates of the

  • AppleScruff1
    May 1, 10:15 PM
    It's about time! Too bad he didn't suffer.

    orlando bloom pirates shirtless. orlando bloom, johnny depp
  • orlando bloom, johnny depp

  • moneyman118
    Apr 28, 07:04 PM
    Title still applies:cool:

    Stores will go down on Tuesday May 3rd! Get your plastic ready!

    orlando bloom pirates shirtless. Orlando Bloom
  • Orlando Bloom

  • pmz
    Apr 22, 05:32 PM
    Yep, a touch sensitive home button is the way to go. Will act as the unlock button too. It was about time we got rid of that nasty plastic which breaks very easily.

    Um no, they do not break very easily. Maybe a gorilla might break it easily.

    Apr 22, 08:36 AM
    If you clear your cache and refresh, you'd see the image you are hotlinking to isn't displaying. ;)

    Its just a low res image saying go to "my digital life".

    Oh, I see. Yeah that's what I saw in the quote of my post but I saw the correct one in my original so I thought that worked. Haha huge fail on me trying to get a point across.
    Oh well, if you don't know what the WMP play icon looks like, this one should work: http://cirruswinery.argh.se/dropbox/images.jpg

    Jul 12, 01:29 AM
    wireless (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Wi-Max whatever)? I used to think that this was a cool thing to have in an iPod. an iPod with internet radio capability sounds like a really cool idea. I'm lukewarm about now.

    I'm not. What would I like to see from Apple? What would my ideal iPod be like? Let's explore the possibilities.

    Bluetooth-headphones. This would kick ass. No more wires that get tangled up. And it CAN be done!

    Large touch-screen. No separate controls, the controls would be right in the display (like in the image that was linked before in this thread).

    And before you say "but there would be fingerprints on the screen! And it wouldn't provide any tactile feedback!". Ah, but how about that "no-touch" controls that have been rumored? I have no idea that is it really possible, but what if? You could simply hover you finger 1cm from the screen and use the controls. No fingerprints. As to the tactile feedback.... Tactile feedback is used that you know where the controls are without actually looking at the screen. "No-touch" UI does not have this, because you aren't actually touching anything. So how do we make this work? Well, what if you could just put your finger close to the screen ANYWHERE on the screen. If you do circlular motion (like in current iPod) the device would scroll, adjust volume, and do the other things you can do on the current iPod. If you move your finger straigh up, it would be equivaltnof clicking "menu". Straight down would be play/pause and so forth.

    As to WLAN and the like.... What if the new iPod could be tied to iChat? You could VOIP to/from the iPod. just turn on the wireless, and browse to the "buddy list" menu on your iPod, and you are all set. Hell, the iPod could have a camera as well! if they can put video-cameras on phones, is there any reason why iPod couldn't have one?

    if we assume that the "no-touch" UI is possible, then nothing I have listed is impossible. iPod with those specs would be YEARS ahead of any other device on the market! It would absolutely embarrass all the other devices.

    Jan 26, 03:29 AM
    I've lost a bit. :( actually quite a lot. I bought at around 170ish a while ago in prepare for the surge of macworld like last year but am at a bit of a loss right now. I think my avatar shows my recent mood.

    You haven't lost anything until you actually sell. Maybe this story will help:

    Apple was the last stock I bought back during the dot com days of the late 90's/early 2000's. I got burned trying to buy and sell all the dot coms on a daily basis, so I decided that I'd "invest" what I had left in Apple. Anyway, I bought Apple at $49/share in the year 2000. I thought it was a great price for whatever reason. Guess what? The price fell to around $7 within a very short period of time. Go look at a chart and you will see the cliff in which I speak of. However, I didn't lose my cool. I was in it for the long haul, so I maintained my position. I think patience is key to investing. Long story short, I did sell at $200 recently because I wanted to diversify those earnings and made a 720% return on my investment. So essentially, my original investment more than doubled itself each year I owned the stock. Why $200? I don't know, they had been so close to it for a while that it just sounded like a good round number. Anyway, I've had my fair share of doubts throughout my 7 year stint with Apple. I never dreamed Apple would be at $200/share. I've seen huge dips in their price in short periods of time, and I've also seen huge gains too. I've also had the stock split on me too. I've also felt it was doomed and there's no way it could ever do this or ever do that....

    Think about what all has happened with Apple since 2000: I've seen OS X launched, the iPod launched, iTunes launched, the switch to flat screens, all the computers they've launched, iLife, iWork, iPhone, :apple:TV, addition of movies and tv shows, etc. etc. So here's why I invested in Apple in 2000:

    1) I loved the company
    2) I loved their products
    3) I got excited about their products
    4) I was a proud customer
    5) I actually kept up with what was going on with the company (mainly through appleinsider and then macrumors shortly thereafter)
    6) I knew Apple was innovative and had good leadership
    7) I read all of the magazines related to Apple and talked everyones ear off about Apple

    However, I didn't choose Apple because of the iPod (it didn't exist then), or whether or not they expected their 2nd qtr to be better than their all time greatest qtr in history. In a nutshell I chose Apple because I believed in their products/their management team/and their ability to produce a quality product that excites people.

    So, I guess what you have to ask yourself is, in the next 7 years where will Apple be as far as products and innovation? Only thing I know is since re-investing in them in December at $182, they've released :apple:TV 2, movie rentals, Macbook Air, Time Capsule, an 8 core mac pro and a pink nano (lol). I think Apple is poised and ready to dominate other markets now..pfft iPod, that's so 5 years ago, blah blah blah, Apple owns the market and will maintain their dominance, now it's time for them to dominate in the movies and the phones and hopefully in computers.

    If you think they are done, then I'd be worried and sell your shares as soon as you can. If you still believe in Apple, like I do, average down your shares while you can and hold on. At these prices right now, Apple can easily double in value again. They are better positioned than ever to take on their competition. All my 7 reasons above are as true today as they were 7 years ago and 7 years prior to that. :)

    Aug 19, 10:07 PM
    Latest Skype beta works quite well. I use a blue-tooth headset with my macbook and the results are really incredible.

    Whats happening with iChat, are they getting it to work with MSN Messenger networks like with AOL?

    I have just switched to Mac, and it's annoying I cant Video Conference with any MSN Messenger users (MSN Messenger on Mac doesnt support it). iChat is awesome but I have no contacts, lol. Anyone know of any other way, I have tried AdiumX and looked into Jabber.

    Apr 12, 10:43 AM
    I'm starting to think this rumor may be true. And its actually not a bad thing, My iPhone 4 is working great right now, it's plenty fast and looks awesome. Waiting a couple more months wouldnt be a bad thing. I usually wait a month after new releases anyway for demands and lines to die down.